
Bam Said the Lady! (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 16:22 (3466 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

That they have, but they aren't supposed to, and one shouldn't suggest something that one knows is broken.

I wouldn't call it broken, you could do more damage by simply hitting the critical hit area with every shot, which is pretty doable. You could say it's a bit broken for enemies without critical hit areas, but, well I'm not fond of those enemies being that way in the first place, so to me it's a fix if anything. I also don't think would overshadow fusion rifles, they have their own niche, although that could stand to be widened.

Both suggestions for the gun so far have been stupid broken because of ridiculous buffing suggestions.

TLW is ridiculous and it only gives bonus damage on from the hip headshots; if it was all of them doing bonus damage, that would be absurd, not even to touch the ricochet issue.

Actually it does bonus damage on zoomed-in headshots quite often if not all the time, and I think also on un-zoomed body shots occasionally, that's a big part of why it's ridiculous.

Doing considerable bonus damage on a bodyshot really just means that all your shots are headshots, which is also ridiculous.

Well as it stands most enemies take three times the base damage for critical hits, with Cabal and maybe some others taking 2.5 times the damage. Doing 2 times the base damage on body shots wouldn't be that big a thing unless it fired really fast.

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