
I guess I missed it? (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, September 07, 2015, 11:13 (3462 days ago) @ Earendil

Music, like all forms of art, is subjective.

The fact that we have "technically" already heard 40 of the 48 pieces of music from Music of the Spheres means nothing to me, because that music has been ripped out of its original context, cut apart, and presented to us out of its intended order.

I still hope they release this thing one day, if not for Marty, then at least for Paul McCartney. He worked on it too, Bungie! I know you're withholding it to spite Marty, but you're spiting one of the Beatles too!

Did you hear that track? Just curious.

When did we find out it was Bungie preventing Marty from releasing it, and not vice versa?
Or that they both want to release it but haven't agreed on terms?

The arbitrator's decision includes that information.

Bungie alleged O'Donnell was giving priority to the Spheres project, which Activision was not interested in having Bungie spend time and effort on. Following his termination, O'Donnell distributed electronic copies of Spheres in an attempt to interest outside publishers, and apparently did so without Bungie's permission (Destiny's soundtrack is a work for hire owned by Bungie, not O'Donnell) and without NDAs enjoining those third parties.

This is the only counterclaim by Bungie that was upheld; O'Donnell was ordered to return all work materials to Bungie (which he apparently had already done) and was ordered not to seek publication for Spheres without Bungie's express permission.

GIven that O'Donnell is now getting a portion of his shares vested (although I do understand he's accepting the value equivalent and not the shares) and profit participation in Destiny, it seems unlikely to me that Bungie would proceed with Spheres over Activision's objection. What is unclear to me is whether they can or would proceed without O'Donnell's involvement; it is clear he cannot publish the project without Bungie, but I am not sure if the reverse is true.

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