
I guess I missed it? (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, September 07, 2015, 20:37 (3462 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Music, like all forms of art, is subjective.

The fact that we have "technically" already heard 40 of the 48 pieces of music from Music of the Spheres means nothing to me, because that music has been ripped out of its original context, cut apart, and presented to us out of its intended order.

I still hope they release this thing one day, if not for Marty, then at least for Paul McCartney. He worked on it too, Bungie! I know you're withholding it to spite Marty, but you're spiting one of the Beatles too!

Did you hear that track? Just curious.

I thought he worked on more than just the one track. Marty said stuff about McCartney giving him tips on some things.

Bits of the Hope for the Future melody can be heard in the rotating Tower music. I think Except from The Hope is the track on the OST that contains it. You can hear a slow version of the "Some wait for the future, some..." part within the first minute.

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