
Well crap! (*OT Fall Games*) (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 22:29 (3203 days ago)

Seriously, just crap. Just found out the first 10 hour DLC for the Witcher 3 releases in October.

I'm still in the middle of Act 2 of that game. It's sooooo good, but I just keep getting pulled into Destiny. And The Witcher is just one of those games that I can't play for thirty minutes or so; I feel like I need to dedicate a large chunk of time when I want to play it.

I just don't have enough times for all the games I want to play anymore. And it's going to be bad this fall. Forza 6 is on the top of my list next week, but I don't imagine it's going to get much play time, as it releases on the same day as The Taken King, and I want to be Raid ready as soon as possible.

Then Halo 5 in October (and Witcher 3 DLC), Tomb Raider in November. Something else soon that I'm know I'm forgetting.

It's a good problem to have, though; much better than no good games to play.

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