
I've been taking advantage of PC game deals to play old ones (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 23:21 (3203 days ago) @ Funkmon

And I realized, with a possible exception of Mirror's Edge, which is great (who on the forum really liked Mirror's Edge? Kermit? Thanks!), basically none of the other games are any good that I've tried. I might try an old CoD or Battlefield.

Shadow of Mordor wasn't fun. Wolfenstein's all right. Cities Skylines is mediocre. New SR4 expansion is subpar. The Pre Sequel's not bad, but nobody will play it with me. Pillars of Eternity is crap. It goes on and on. I might try to find a Witcher 3 or MGS V deal, but I think Destiny has ruined other games for me. Destiny's fun even when I'm not doing anything.

Never picked up Shadow of Mordor, mainly because it looked like a pretty generic game, and I'm also a Tolkein fan, and they went way the fuck off base with the lore there, and I don't like that.

I loved Borderlands 2, but didn't pick up the Pre Sequel because it just didn't look that compelling to me. Was interested in Pillars of Eternity, and backed it on Kickstarter when that happened. Don't currently have a PC worth a shit to give it a go, though (should have one in a few months, though!).

The Witcher 3 is absolutely fantastic, one of my favorite games, despite being nowhere near the end of it. It's definitely one of the more compelling RPGs out right now, with a good story and meaningful choices that aren't just obvious good or bad decisions. It just suffers for me because there is so much goddamn content. I'm not even a completionist, not even close, but I keep getting sidetracked, because, unlike most RPGs, the side quests in The Witcher are really compelling and good. Some are better than many of the main quests missions. But it's just so much content, I can't work my way through it all. I'm well over 50 hours at this point, and am a little less than halfway complete with the main quest, and have tons of side content left, too. It's just too much, to the point where it's sometimes overwhelming.

I fully expect Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider to get a lot of playtime from me, and I'll rent Halo 5 to see if I like it, but I also completely expect them to play second fiddle to Destiny.

Fallout 4 is one I'm actually not super excited for. I mean, I am excited for it, but nowhere near as much as everyone else seems to be. I loved Fallout 3 (never did play New Vegas), but I've definitely always been a bigger fan of Elder Scrolls.

Halo 5 is a must buy for me. I thought Halo 4 was enjoyable, despite it's problems. I had a lot of fun with it, and I actually like a lot of what 343i is doing, both with the story and the art direction (The Chief has never looked better, in my opinion, but some of the new Covenant designs aren't great). Halo 5 looks like it's going to be really good, delivering a lot of what I've always wanted from Halo.

Tomb Raider looks great from the little I've seen. Loved the previous entry, expecting to love this one as well.

The problem is just that, even with all these new games coming out, Destiny is so much freakin' fun, that I just want to play it all the time. And that looks like it's only going to get worse with the Taken King. It looks so damn good, I don't know how I'll tear myself away from it.

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