
Vanguard/FOTC back?

by zumphry ⌂ @, Saturday, June 08, 2013, 00:36 (4197 days ago) @ Stephen Laughlin

What's with the prominent "VANGUARD" text in the rear view of the Vanguard shirt, but no TITAN, WARLOCK, or HUNTER text on the other shirts? Evidence that Vangaurd is something other than a character class?


Probably just a mistake because they're the same color (?), but the rear view of the FOTC shirt uses this same example image as well.

Yeah, that's weird. Probably is just a goof, since the URL for the images on both pages result in this.

...but if it's not (that happens on both the Men's and Women's versions)...

We've seen the FOTC design before (Deej's B.net avatar, character select and lobby screen in Pathways Out of Darkness[@1:15]), so maybe FOTC is some type of governing body for The City (Founders of the City? Something "Traveler's Council"?), and Vanguards are some Imperial Guard/Elite forces-type deal for them?

Somewhat unrelated, but there's some older-looking guy at 3:34 in Pathways that I've always thought looks like he's giving a speech. Maybe he's the narrator of Pathways, and/or a leader for The City?

Obviously baseless speculation sparked by t-shirts, but there's only so many more days left until E3 maaaaaaaaaaaan! Someone's gotta use all of this crack!

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