
How the conversations at bungie go.... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 24, 2015, 20:25 (3444 days ago) @ kidtsunami

Bungie employee: "Thorn is a really big problem, as well as blink/shotguns for the crucible."

Bungie MGMT: "Ehh, we can get to that in about 6 months, they will survive."

Bungie employee: "Oh, by the way, the Black Spindle is dropping from the daily at 310 damage, alot of players got it."

Bungie MGMT: " They got something that is HELPING them! Better fix this S*!t right away! This is WRONG."

Whats the harm is us having a 310? That wasnt the obvious intention, but its not that big of a deal. Its not Game breaking. When people only wanted to play with people with Gjallerhorn, nothing was done at the time, and that was a big negative effect.

It's just also really hard to resolve balance issues like blink/shotguns, rather than just bumping some attack values on a single gun.

But you don't have to achieve perfect balance the first time around to put your finger on the scale and make it feel more fair. Tweaking the delay after blink before a shotgun can be fired seems simple to me. You tweak a little, see how it works, tweak a little more... Mass Effect 3 did weekly balance changes to anything that seemed over or under powered. Sometimes it took a month or two to get it exactly right, but they nailed the approach. Bungie did *nothing* for six+ months. I honestly don't care about them doing internal testing to get it right; they should just make a small change to the live environment to show that attention is being paid, and then see how that change worked out. They can always change it back in a week if they don't like the results.

TL;DR: Inactivity is still a choice, and often the wrong one. Failure to try is failure to succeed.

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