
As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . (Destiny)
Golgoroth, however, is when I started to hate my life. We banged our heads against that ogre for hours last night. To the point that I was actually starting to ask myself why the hell I was putting myself through it. Today, we started with a few different ideas, and came up with a solid plan, and finally figured it out. Then we spent a few more attempts actually getting our roles down and hitting our marks. Again, looking back, it's not all that crazy. I was really frustrated at the beginning of the encounter, we thought we knew what we needed to do, but we were still missing key pieces of the puzzle! It's hard to know if you're even on the right track sometimes. But figuring it out is one of the most rewarding videogame experiences I've ever encountered. It's the perfect combination of figuring out the puzzle, then having the skill to execute on what you know.
I still really feel like I missed out by not being able to blind raid the VoG, but King's Fall seems to be at least its equal. I will say that so far I feel like VoG does have the better environment and atmosphere. I think the legend of Praedyth and Kabr add a lot to that raid, and King's Fall is missing a bit in that regard.
Generally speaking, the encounters in Kings Fall are, IMHO, more complex and require more perfect execution by the fireteam as a whole than the encounters in the VoG.
I blind raided the VoG up to the Gorgons, at which point someone looked up how to get through the labyrinth, then we worked on Atheon with a little knowledge but not spoiled. VoG seemed harder in that it was easier to be overwhelmed by adds, KF was harder in that the mechanics of the encounters were more difficult and required more coordination.
Golgoroth was hard. Remembering to look at countdown timers was the harder (for me) ;).
Complete thread:
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-27, 19:55
- Raid impressions *spoilers* - dogcow, 2015-09-27, 22:24
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-27, 22:38
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 13:39
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 13:46
- Yeah, saw that. I think it's intended for everyone.
- slycrel, 2015-09-28, 13:54
- Works with Bones of Eao
- someotherguy, 2015-09-28, 15:10
- Can confirm Warlocks are capable
- ZackDark, 2015-09-28, 15:36
- Yeah, saw that. I think it's intended for everyone.
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 13:46
- Raid impressions *spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 13:39
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 01:57
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 13:07
- Totally agree -
2015-09-28, 14:59
- Totally agree - Cody Miller, 2015-09-28, 15:17
- Totally agree -
2015-09-28, 15:20
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:30
- Not to mention the 2nd loot drop *Massive Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:34
- *Even Massiver Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:38
- *Even Massiver Spoilers* -
Cody Miller,
2015-09-28, 15:41
- Good to know
- someotherguy, 2015-09-28, 15:43
- Good to know
- *Even Massiver Spoilers* -
Cody Miller,
2015-09-28, 15:41
- *Even Massiver Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:38
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:35
- Haha -
2015-09-28, 15:37
- Haha - someotherguy, 2015-09-28, 15:39
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
Cody Miller,
2015-09-28, 15:38
- Totally agree *Even more big Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:41
- Totally agree *Even more big Spoilers* - dogcow, 2015-09-28, 17:19
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 16:35
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
Cody Miller,
2015-09-28, 16:42
- Totally agree *Spoilers* - TheeChaos, 2015-09-28, 17:57
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
Cody Miller,
2015-09-28, 16:42
- Totally agree *Even more big Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:41
- Haha -
2015-09-28, 15:37
- Not to mention the 2nd loot drop *Massive Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:34
- Totally agree *Spoilers* -
2015-09-28, 15:30
- Totally agree -
2015-09-28, 14:59
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 14:15
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 14:26
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . - Kermit, 2015-09-28, 14:28
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . - BlackstarBSP, 2015-09-28, 15:15
- The Jumping - Kahzgul, 2015-09-28, 19:18
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 14:26
- As a first time Spoiler Free Raider . . . -
2015-09-28, 13:07