
Fix it with a relic. (Destiny)

by Harmanimus @, Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 18:06 (3439 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Make Relic a spear or sword or gun or punching ball. Relic spawns in safety bubble. You have to protect your Relic bearer to get to the Wizard bubble. Relic is a single-use, cast-from-hit-points weapon. Deals 1/4-1/3 of Wizard overall health - more or less depending on difficulty. Wizard has a Mechanic Shield that ignores all other damage, but will orient aggro to other shooters. Then Relic bearer has to run the Relic back to recharge it.

Now you don't have an infinite fight, but you definitely have finite resources to make each attempt with. You can still include trickle for difficulty purposes, but now a support bubble or radiance self-res have applicable purposes for the return trip. Same with invis.

For added fun, make the encounter space change or become active over time. Such as the first run being full of cover and a nice trench run to protect from adds, but the second one has shifting cover and the are barriers in the trench that require vaulting. Third run has damage pools filling the Trench, and cover shifts more actively.

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