
"Max light for content is 300, you can climb all mountains." (Destiny)
I will say, I definitely notice a difference in my survivability when I'm 290-295 vs 300+. Both damage output and defense seem to be really dependent on those last few points. For example, they still use the sliding scale they used to for low level patrol stuff -- if you had a weapon that wasn't fully upgraded, you wouldn't do full damage to a low level patrol minion. I think they've moved this to your overall light level. So with the same weapon, just by equipping different gear I can go from 1 shotting a dreg (around 300 light) to 2 shotting them (around 290 light). This of course depends on a lot of things.
I guess what I'm saying is it's all true, anything above 300 is gravy -- but those last few points leading up to it can help a lot more than you would think.
Complete thread:
- "Max light for content is 300, you can climb all mountains." -
2015-09-29, 20:07
- "Max light for content is 300, you can climb all mountains." -
2015-09-29, 22:30
- "Max light for content is 300, you can climb all mountains." - slycrel, 2015-09-29, 23:29
- Cody Miller, 2015-09-30, 00:43
- "Max light for content is 300, you can climb all mountains." -
2015-09-29, 22:30