
Not sure what kind of balance you'd want for that. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 08:07 (3435 days ago) @ Cody Miller

What exactly is a Defender supposed to do in PVP in general, aside from the objective gametypes? I could see the value of it in Zone Control or Salvage... but Mayhem? What good could it possibly be? How could it be fixed by balance except by nerfing everybody else's super to be just as useless as the Defender's?

You could make the Bubble take four golden gun shots to put down instead of two.

I don't see how that helps. Presumably that won't affect anyone wearing Celestial Nighthawk, or anyone spec'd for a fourth short, but it's just a cheap "gotcha" for anyone who goes in spec'd for something different.

The bubble's good against certain things, but not others... why this in particular? How often are you actually going to see a charged gunslinger coming just in time to drop a bubble, but before he shoots?

I'm not saying that GG isn't perhaps overpowered. I don't play enough crucible to say it isn't, but the timing of how defender bubbles work just seem to me entirely wrong except in either objective gametypes, or perhaps in Trials where you're trying to revive someone and need some time to be safe from distant attackers.

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