
Only in Mayhem (Destiny)

by Durandal, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 10:58 (3435 days ago) @ Ragashingo

In the objective game times the only way to really counter the bubble is with a super. A shotgun toting Defender is very difficult to get out otherwise. You have to be careful that optimizing the bubble for a slayer style game doesn't break it for objective type games. Don't forget the bubble trains in control where Crest Titans would continuously chain supers.

Moreover, other classes suffer too. Stormcaller/Sunbreakers are pretty much superior to bladedancer/gunslingers in every way in PVP. Stormcallers can melee and super from across the room, where as a blade dancer needs to get in your face, and Sunbreakers get homing, explosions, armor and flat out more shots then gunslingers.

All the new subclasses are better designed then their counterparts, but it seems that with the other mechanics changes the Hunter classes suffer the worst. I pretty much only see people using Gunslinger with the Nighthawk helmet for boss damage in Kings Fall, all other times they are generating mad orbs for the team. Rarely, if ever do I see blade dancers, and they are just trying to abuse the stealth mechanics.

Defender, in PVE, is still in high demand for both orbs and buffs via the bubble.

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