
DURABLE headset and mic? (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, October 10, 2015, 19:20 (3171 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

I know I didn't get to run with you for the Oryx kill, but I was wondering about the chunk of the raid that we did play together before that :)

Damn, I forgot we did Deathsingers the previous night. Our Raid party was such a mish-mash of random folks, I've forgotten everyone I played with!

That is kind of what I was thinking/hoping; that it's a problem is with the new version that doesn't exist with the older ones. I'm hoping it's not a case where it's been bugging people, but no one wanted to say anything.


I doubt it, unless you just play with entirely nicer folks than I do. Everyone I've played with has mentioned it pretty much immediately, although most of the time they have reported that it's really not that bad, just a slight, faint echo of their voices. I can't hear any echo when they mention it, usually.

I know it's my headset, because switching to the standard chat headset fixes it, as does simply muting the mic on my A50s. I've put in a support case with Astro, we'll see what they say. Probably to send it in, judging from some of the forum posts on their site.

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