
Join In Progress (Ranting Edition) (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, October 16, 2015, 15:22 (3422 days ago) @ marmot 1333

You should have posted this in response to yourself yesterday re:cheating.

My reply to CrazedOne probably wasn't clear to everyone, it'd be easy to miss the intent, so allow me to explain:

1. I actually care a great deal about the deficiencies in Destiny's Crucible Join In Progress system and rules. I've posted and discussed my issues about JIP at length at least twice around here. I agree with CrazedOne that it can do some pretty stupid things like join you into a game that ends before you get to play or joining you into an unbalanced unwinable game. So my saying who cares is, as Avateur noted, quite a large dose or irony on my part.

2. CrazedOne has dropped that exact image on me and others several times. I saw the opportunity to repay the favor. Given point 1, my post was very much meant as a joke and partially as a self deprecating one.


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