
I hope they do Detroit right. (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 18:08 (3154 days ago) @ Korny

Detroit is hip in Europe right now. I have clothes from C&A I bought in Luxembourg on a recent trip there that say Detroit all over them. One even says "Detroit, Minnesota."

In my experience in western Europe, they don't care about Detroit. They do think it is "cool" though. One time in France a guy was asking me where I was from. "Detroit." "Wha?" "Detroit. Vroom vroom *car mime*." "Oh, DAYTWAH! Very cool. You are a tough person!" "Yes."

And that's basically what I get in Europe. They associate the rough economic shape the city is in with something cool and authentic. They don't get that it's a ghost town, with literally most of the city's population gone. They don't get the attitude.

Here in the US, it's worse.

I've seen about a dozen documentaries, in depth reports, etc. about Detroit over the past 5 years. They're all the same.

Act 1: death of auto industry
Act 2: the city government's failures
Act 3: Hipsters squatting in the Packard plant and their art that is bringing Detroit back.

Fuck that shit. I hope this game shows Detroit WELL. The residents are tough, needlessly violent and territorial, non AAVE speakers exhibit the northern cities vowel shift and love coney island hot dogs. I will settle for no less.

I know I'm going to be pissed off at this game when I play it on my friend's PS4.

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