
I never liked that demo (Off-Topic)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 02:08 (3154 days ago) @ Monochron

I have a feeling that I'm inevitably going to compare this effort to something like Ex Machina. I am kind of tired of stories about robots finding emotions / humanity. But that's why Ex Machina was interesting. It wasn't really about robots. It was about women.

Ex Machina was a parallel for women in society? I never saw it.

I mean, I'm all for stories like that, but a movie about robots with the title "Ex machina" seems like an odd place to explore that topic.

Oh goodness Cody's comment makes so much sense now! When I read "Ex Machina" originally, my brain recalled the rest of the phrase accidentally and I was thinking of Deus Ex, the video game. I kept thinking, "Wow, I don't remember that theme!"

And on topic, Short Circuit 2 kind of perfected the robots-finding-emotions story, so there's really no need for anymore of that.

Also, every time I see Quantic Dream 'pushing the limits' it feels like it involves naked ladies, but I really don't know anything about them or their games, so I'm an idiot on the matter...

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