
A Post-IB Recap (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 18:17 (3382 days ago) @ BeardFade

I know being on the 2nd page might make this hard to get this conversation going again, but now that I'm post-IB, I had a few thoughts I wanted to share.

1) Overall, loot dropping was much improved and made the experience a lot more fun. IB packages were great, allowed me to get all three of my characters into the mid 300s (lowest is 305, highest 308). I got a 320 ghost to drop for me, I literally yellled. Robot Chickens and Rellekh can attest to this as they were in my living room when it happened. Getting that much gear from IB made the experience worth the grind IMHO.

2) Clash was fine, except for one thing: the damn auto-spawn switching. For anyone who knows my play style, I purposely stay on the half of the map my teammates are on. I hang back and I take people out from a distance. This leads to a relatively long average life for me. I think I'm pretty close to the 1 minute mark for average life length if I remember correctly. So, frequently, I'd be the last one alive on my team; they'd all revive on the other half of the map and all of a sudden I'd go from being supported to being surrounded with no escape. On one particular occasion, I started the match with a 14-kill streak to have it ended by this. I was frequently frustrated to unscope on a target to find 2 or three triangles converging on me suddenly in the radar. That wasn't fun at all.

3) Ranking went really fast. I had all 3 characters to rank 5 by Saturday morning and I don't think I even played that much. I don't even have class items for any of my characters, so I was only getting 2/3s the possible buff. I got the titan class item to drop for me, so next IB, I'll be able to do this even faster I think.

Overall, though, this was one of the best IBs for me yet.

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