
Sunsinger (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, December 01, 2015, 18:47 (3375 days ago) @ Beorn

Of course, someone in the thread suggested something brilliant: on hard mode you can revive someone if your super meter is full, and doing so will drain it.

I’ve always felt that the Sunsinger “Fireborn” perk should allow you to infuse your light into someone’s Ghost and force an instant revive at the cost of draining your super out. And it’d be usable even when revives weren’t normally available, such as in standard PvP. I think that’d be an interesting adjustment.

I've wanted this since last fall. Similar to the Siren in Borderlands. Perhaps it could be an exotic perk.

Here's a twist: Stormcallers have a perk that extends the length of their super if their grenades and melee are full. What if the revive perk only worked if you had full super, grenades and melee, and it drained all three? You could revive a teammate, but at the cost of ALL your abilities. Of course, if that teammate was a sunbreaker, that would be a no-brainer.

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