Halo Infinite multiplayer is available starting today. Let’s go!

Wort wort wort!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:53 (1207 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Halo Infinite multiplayer is available starting today. Let’s go!
So I guess no House of Ashes lol
So I guess no House of Ashes lol
I was on all day yesterday!
This weekend? I’m available any evening.

Wort wort wort!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:50 (1207 days ago) @ cheapLEY
So I guess no House of Ashes lol
I was on all day yesterday!This weekend? I’m available any evening.
OK let's start saturday. It takes 5-6 hours, so maybe 2.5-3 a night?
So I guess no House of Ashes lol
I was on all day yesterday!This weekend? I’m available any evening.
OK let's start saturday. It takes 5-6 hours, so maybe 2.5-3 a night?
Works for me. You call the time. I’m two hours ahead of you, but I’ll be around by say 5pm Central on Saturday.

Uh... Heros of Reach?! Should we... should we tell them?
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:41 (1207 days ago) @ cheapLEY
- No text -

Tv Series Trailer
by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:49 (1207 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by ManKitten, Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:55
All kinds of 20th Anniversary goodies are dropping today.

Release the Peter Jackson Cut
by Robot Chickens, Monday, November 15, 2021, 16:48 (1207 days ago) @ ManKitten
- No text -
This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three). They definitely need some more playlists. I’ve seen a bunch of people quitting when Oddball comes up. Just make a Slayer playlist—it’s not like they don’t know that’s what everyone wants.

Halo is back.
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 18:22 (1206 days ago) @ cheapLEY
This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three).
In Bungies Defense, I don't think they have even tried to make good PvP maps. Some of them are just the worst maps ever created in videogames, I'm not even joking.
Here. Let me add this random image for no reason.
They aren't even all that interesting, just one sad dilapidation mire after another, by and large. I didn't realize how much I missed just EXPLORING the multiplayer maps to look at all the little details until I gave the map "Streets" in Halo Infinite a look. I don't know if it's Certain Affinitys doing or what, but there is nothing quite like a Halo PvP Map.
This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three).
In Bungies Defense, I don't think they have even tried to make good PvP maps. Some of them are just the worst maps ever created in videogames, I'm not even joking.
That map is actually fine, just not for 6v6.
Bungie does a really good job on the subtle things in maps. When you spawn into a Bungie-made map, you almost always know exactly where you are and what things are happening where on the map. They do a great job of putting memorable reference points and skybox type things to provide that orientation. However, it is not uncommon for their maps to have brutal chokepoints or spawn traps, where the "I can't walk anywhere without getting sniped in the face" effect is strong.
343 on the other hand has the opposite problem, their maps very rarely seem to have gameplay problems, but they are often missing the stuff that Bungie does for orientation, and I often find myself fighting over areas of the map without any context for what might be going on elsewhere.

PvP Maps
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 10:25 (1205 days ago) @ squidnh3
This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three).
In Bungies Defense, I don't think they have even tried to make good PvP maps. Some of them are just the worst maps ever created in videogames, I'm not even joking.
That map is actually fine, just not for 6v6.Bungie does a really good job on the subtle things in maps. When you spawn into a Bungie-made map, you almost always know exactly where you are and what things are happening where on the map. They do a great job of putting memorable reference points and skybox type things to provide that orientation. However, it is not uncommon for their maps to have brutal chokepoints or spawn traps, where the "I can't walk anywhere without getting sniped in the face" effect is strong.
343 on the other hand has the opposite problem, their maps very rarely seem to have gameplay problems, but they are often missing the stuff that Bungie does for orientation, and I often find myself fighting over areas of the map without any context for what might be going on elsewhere.
It occurs to me, in reading your post, that I was too broad in describing my distaste. Yet, on the same coin, you've literately called out the major source of my distaste. That being: "However, it is not uncommon for their maps to have brutal chokepoints or spawn traps, where the "I can't walk anywhere without getting sniped in the face" effect is strong."
As for art, I agree with your point involving (I presume) Halo: Infinite's maps, but only for the Large BTB variants. There is not enough geographic iconography in certain spots, and I'll even add in a note that the (beta) skybox is rather... passable. Yet on the smaller Halo: Infinite maps, where 4V4 is in play, I've found it with a game or two easy to recall and figure out locations. The map "Streets" which I've called out, is fantastic example of this. It really does feel like a Bungie map of old to me, by and large.
Yet, art aside, if we played these maps graybox - no art just pure geo - which would bring the most possibility of fun to be had? The one you get lost in, or the one you get trapped (and probably shall) lose in?
It's odd that a game (Destiny) so seemingly based in movement as a core part of its current play would have maps that restrict one of the very tenets that brings so much fun into its game play.

I want a slayer only playlist
by kidtsunami , Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 06:49 (1205 days ago) @ cheapLEY
This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three). They definitely need some more playlists. I’ve seen a bunch of people quitting when Oddball comes up. Just make a Slayer playlist—it’s not like they don’t know that’s what everyone wants.
If only to get slayer-only folks out of my objective games.
There are a million FPS's out there that do "slayer", but so few that do objectives and do them well...

Quick "Halo: Infinite" Multiplayer Beta Thoughts
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 18:12 (1206 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I've played 30 games, mixed between BTB and 4-team quick play modes. It tastes different, and yet eats like Halo. In short, a drastic improvement to Halo 4 & Halo 5 multiplayer renditions. For the sake of comparison in this metaphor, Halo 4 & Halo 5 multiplayer to me merely looked like food, but was actually quite inedible, again in my purview.
There are a number of quibbles, such as no easy way to mute folks who ARE APPARENTLY HAVING THEIR HOUSE DESTROYED or endearing me with an answer to the question "What does this game sound like if your mother tongue is Portuguese"? Right now what I have to do is check the player list, figure out who's mic is on, and then go into "recent players" on the xbox pop-menu and then go into the profile and mute them.
Bungie has spoiled us with opt-in chat.
It took me a while, but I was finally able to create a custom control scheme that ALMOST feels totally solid. If I could, I'd combo buttons (LB+RB) or have a push/hold-push differentiation for some custom controls, but by and large it's nice to FINALLY be able to build your own control scheme. If 343 could make it so that this sort of thing could be done in "Halo: The Master Chief Collection", I would be quite grateful.
Bungie has spoiled us with customizable control options.
As for weapon feel, it took a while... but I think I got the hang of it for most of the kit. MAN oh man though, some of the weapons feel just bad to use. It feels to me that unless you use them EXACTLY at whatever the designed range was for the weapon, you get no help at all. I don't know what it's like on M+K, but on control some things feel hit and miss WHICH IS NOT OK. Because HALO. Don't get me started on trying to stick it, geeze. No help at all.
Bungie has spoiled us with their Gunnery Witchcraft...or... something.
OH! And speaking of guns... WHAT DID THEY DO TO Muh BATTLE RIFLE!!! It sounds like a pea shooter! WHERE IS THE KABOOM! There is supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!*
I think there are a few other quibbles, but I think I got most of the major ones. I guess I can also add how much I miss lunging melees, but all in all... 343 might actually have something here.
OH!... there is one more thing. The Bots! I'm going to review the BOTS. There are 4 Levels; Recruit, Marine, ODST, and Spartan.
Recruit is in a word, PERFECTION. I've never seen an AI embrace such a rendition of Human cluelessness so well. The AI when set in this mode is SO BAD, that it's good. Not at the game, mind you... anyway. Marine & ODST are... well they are AI. Nothing really stood out. Spartan was disappointing. Simulated Skill is not enough, there has to be an air of tactics to it as well. Where are the flanks? The Shared grenade tosses? The Noob Combos?! Don't call it Spartan if it's just an aim bot, DANG IT!
I played a game of Oddball where my entire team left. Thus what was 4v4 became 1 Human 3 AI VS 4 Humans.
Bungie has spoiled us with their oh-wait-tough-shit-Sherlock-get-good. Have fun in your 1V4 Ranked game.
-_-... ANYWAY!...
I don't know what level of "bot" they were, but it might have been helpful if it was just 1v4 instead. Maybe. Sort of. Just throwing this out there; 1 person leaves and you get 1 Marine level AI. 2? The Next AI is ODST Level. Spartan at 3. Not sure if it would help, but what I witnessed didn't seem too helpful either.
And uh... yeah. We'll see. ^_^
Quick "Halo: Infinite" Multiplayer Beta Thoughts
by EffortlessFury , Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 03:01 (1206 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
As for weapon feel, it took a while... but I think I got the hang of it for most of the kit. MAN oh man though, some of the weapons feel just bad to use. It feels to me that unless you use them EXACTLY at whatever the designed range was for the weapon, you get no help at all. I don't know what it's like on M+K, but on control some things feel hit and miss WHICH IS NOT OK. Because HALO. Don't get me started on trying to stick it, geeze. No help at all.
If you're playing on PC, there may be an issue with aim assist.

Quick "Halo: Infinite" Multiplayer Beta Thoughts
by UnrealCh13f , San Luis Obispo, CA, Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 07:40 (1205 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
If you're playing on PC, there may be an issue with aim assist.
I've been reading that for some reason, that aim assist on controller is basically non-existent without any form of a toggle. I'm pretty solid on console but when I move to PC, I'm finding myself having a much harder time to lock on to targets.
Quick "Halo: Infinite" Multiplayer Beta Thoughts
by EffortlessFury , Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 09:59 (1205 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f
I believe the problem may be related to how the game deals with both KBM and Controller inputs being active at the same time. I remember seeing some folks concerned with the behavior during the Tech Test; someone was AFK and another person moving in front of them was causing the AFKer's head to move around. It was explained at this time that the expected behavior was for aim assist to turn off when the mouse is in use and turn back on when the mouse is no longer in use.
I'm wondering if something was changed because of the negative response to the above behavior that may have introduced a bug where now aim assist isn't working properly at all.

Quick "Halo: Infinite" Multiplayer Beta Thoughts
by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, November 18, 2021, 08:06 (1204 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I've only played a few games (like 10, or maybe even less.) It didn't feel like Halo...but yet, it did. Everything felt different, yet, the same?
Big ol' imo's below.
The "ADS" is done really well. I like the subtle zoom for each weapon instead of the actual ADS PoV. Using the left trigger to zoom/ADS is nice. You can zoom, if you get hit it bumps you out, but pulls you right back in after recovery. You can continue shooting throughout the whole thing, but the transitions are done well.
The AR/Pistol starting loadout seems to be good for the most part. They are good enough to give you a chance in a fight against a map weapon. I never had a problem finding map weapons...I just had no idea what they were or how they behaved. In the one game of BTB I played, I had to laugh a bit because it reminded me of the Halo 2 launch of everyone starting with SMG's on Blood Gulch. Seeing an enemy across the map and running forever before they were in range to actually shoot them. Once the game got going, though, the vehicles and weapons were spread out nicely and chaos ensued. Hashtag, just cut to the chase and give us Action Sack.
Clamber is nice. (I kept trying to double jump, doh.)
Abilities/Power Ups are nice.
One of my annoyances that has existed in so many Halos is still around. Our spartan can flip a warthog over but we throw grenades with the strength of a toddler.
The pre-game party system confuses me. Playing some with my son, I wasn't able to host a party but he could. So I joined him. He would start a game but there was nothing on my screen that indicated anything was happening. We played a BTB, then he started a Quick Play game but on my screen it still said I was in BTB. It seemed like I had to also select the gametype we were going to play, then he would select the gametype to launch it, and our screens would sync up. Not sure what was going on there.
I have no idea how the battle pass works. I'm not talking about the "progression fiasco", but moreso...what/where/why is it? I clicked on the "get premium" button, or whatever it said, and it just seemed like I was in a never ending line of screens and menus without ever getting any information about what it actually was.

Maybe a dumb question. (beta)
by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 14:30 (1205 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Is this Beta a limited time thing? Or is this actually "The Game!"...they are just calling it beta because they released it earlier than said before.

Maybe a dumb question. (beta)
by cheapLEY , Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 15:30 (1205 days ago) @ ManKitten
The latter, as far as I understand.
Maybe a dumb question. (beta)
by EffortlessFury , Thursday, November 18, 2021, 04:30 (1205 days ago) @ ManKitten
Is this Beta a limited time thing? Or is this actually "The Game!"...they are just calling it beta because they released it earlier than said before.
Mostly the latter, it's a soft launch. For example, there was a pretty negative reaction to the progression system (mostly deserved, it's got issues). They're putting in initial changes by the end of the week. I'm also not sure if the current number of playlists will be the intended number of playlists at launch. Either way, they're working out any initial hiccups before "launch day." It just so happens that the beta ends with launch.
I guess think of it a little like Early Access? Early Access games are purchasable and playable in developmental and a somewhat unstable form, right up until the game releases.

Halo campaign previews are up.
by cheapLEY , Friday, November 19, 2021, 10:37 (1203 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Looks like some journalists got access to the first few hours and an embargo lifted today. There’s articles and footage around. It looks pretty damn good.

Wort wort wort!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 22, 2021, 08:54 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Ok so correct me if I’m wrong here.
It seems like a lot of cosmetics are not unlockable and only available for purchase? Can someone detail the unlock / investment system for me? The micro transactions, and what’s available? Is there overlap?
It’s pretty trash, honestly. Beyond like five colors, all cosmetics are either bought from the store or come from the Battle Pass. Apparently the campaign has some unlocks, but they’ve been datamined and seem to mostly be color unlocks and post match poses, no actual armor pieces.
To top it off, not all pieces can be mixed and matched. There are two “cores,” the Mark V B from Reach (which you have to purchase the current battle pass to use), and the default Mark VII. Armor pieces from one core cannot be used on another core. So if unlock sone shoulder pads for the Mark V B core, I can’t use those shoulder pads on the Mark VII core.
The progression through the pass is also dogshit. It’s really slow and solely based on completing challenges. They threw us a bone and made “complete one match” an infinitely repeating bounty, but it means completing 20 matches to gain one level.
It’s a completely trash system. I won’t justify it, but so will say that the actual game is so goddamn good, that I could happily ignore that aspect of it and just enjoy being able to play a great Halo multiplayer again.

Wort wort wort!
by bluerunner , Music City, Monday, November 22, 2021, 09:36 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I'm having fun with the game play, but I have zero interest in the battle pass. At least the blue shader was unlocked right off the bat. I'm cool with it being just like the early Halo games with the default armor being my only choice. I think there might be some unlocks that are free on down the pass, but it will be a long time before I get to them.
My only complaint is that some of the weapons are garbage and not worth using. If they patch that this would be a very good Halo game.
My only complaint is that some of the weapons are garbage and not worth using. If they patch that this would be a very good Halo game.
Which ones? Because I think you’re wrong. I think they’ve done a great job of making all the weapons fun and useful. The only one that feels off is the Commando. It’s not as good as a Battle Rifle, but if you use it at the range it feels intended for given its recoil, I think you’re likely to just get killed by someone using a Sidekick or even an AR. I’m sure there are people that are really great with it that could outshoot me using a Sidekick, but that has not been my experience so far (on either side of that encounter).
My only complaint is that some of the weapons are garbage and not worth using. If they patch that this would be a very good Halo game.
Which ones? Because I think you’re wrong. I think they’ve done a great job of making all the weapons fun and useful. The only one that feels off is the Commando. It’s not as good as a Battle Rifle, but if you use it at the range it feels intended for given its recoil, I think you’re likely to just get killed by someone using a Sidekick or even an AR. I’m sure there are people that are really great with it that could outshoot me using a Sidekick, but that has not been my experience so far (on either side of that encounter).
I have the same impression of a lot of the weapons, but I'm open to the idea that I am not using them right. I just haven't felt like I have a chance to figure out how to use them. I've also complained about the visual/design nature of some of them, where it's completely not obvious what they even are or how I should expect to be using them.

Wort wort wort!
by bluerunner , Music City, Monday, November 22, 2021, 11:32 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Shotguns feel very week. Not a one hit kill. Therefor they aren't a counter to the sword. I have tried several times to use the Heatwave and maybe have gotten 1 kill with it. Same experience with the Disrupter. Plasma pistol doesn't stall vehicles from what I have seen. Hydra takes too many shots to kill for the time it takes to lock on and reload. The commando feels like a nerfed DMR.

Wort wort wort!
by cheapLEY , Monday, November 22, 2021, 11:50 (1200 days ago) @ bluerunner
edited by cheapLEY, Monday, November 22, 2021, 12:32
Shotguns feel very week. Not a one hit kill. Therefor they aren't a counter to the sword. I have tried several times to use the Heatwave and maybe have gotten 1 kill with it. Same experience with the Disrupter. Plasma pistol doesn't stall vehicles from what I have seen. Hydra takes too many shots to kill for the time it takes to lock on and reload. The commando feels like a nerfed DMR.
Shotgun is a two hit kill at point blank. Also one shot plus a melee. Still a decent Sword counter, you just have to hit them first. I maintain that if you let a Sword get into kill range, you fucked up somehow either in awareness or positioning. The shotgun is also pretty good at decent ranges. It’s a three hit kill fairly far out.
The Disruptor stole the plasma pistol’s ability to stall vehicles. It takes a few shots. It’s also a damage over time weapon. It eats shields. It’s great for team fire, as it also sparks to other nearby players. I was using it to great effect in a BTB CTF last night. I can tag multiple people with it while my team finishes them off.
The Heatwave is admittedly difficult to use, but it’s powerful. It shoots six pellets per shot, it takes 12 to kill. It’s great in cramped hallways.
I’ve seen lots of people say the Ravager is shit, but it’s also useful. If you hold the trigger and charge a shot it’s fairly powerful and also coats a fairly large area with fire. It’s great for closing down routes, and I’ve successfully stopped flag or oddball recoveries by just painting the area with fire.
Hydra is great on the big team maps. The non-locked on firing mode is more powerful, but the tracking it great if you catch someone out in the open. Again, I’ve had a lot of luck killing flag carriers with it—if you’re locked on you can curve the rockets around cover.
The biggest “problem” (if you can call it that) is that the AR/Sidekick combo is such a fucking workhorse, you barely need to even consider picking anything else up.

Wort wort wort!
by bluerunner , Music City, Monday, November 22, 2021, 12:34 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
The biggest “problem” (if you can call it that) is that the AR/Sidekick combo is such a fucking workhorse, you barely need to even consider picking anything else up.
That's part of the problem with everything else feeling weak. I can solve 80% of the engagements with the sidekick. The only other things I feel are worth picking up are the power weapons.

Wort wort wort!
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 10:14 (1199 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Shotguns feel very week. Not a one hit kill. Therefor they aren't a counter to the sword. I have tried several times to use the Heatwave and maybe have gotten 1 kill with it. Same experience with the Disrupter. Plasma pistol doesn't stall vehicles from what I have seen. Hydra takes too many shots to kill for the time it takes to lock on and reload. The commando feels like a nerfed DMR.
Shotgun is a two hit kill at point blank. Also one shot plus a melee. Still a decent Sword counter, you just have to hit them first. I maintain that if you let a Sword get into kill range, you fucked up somehow either in awareness or positioning. The shotgun is also pretty good at decent ranges. It’s a three hit kill fairly far out.
Yes, remember that the hammer and swords are power weapons, they are meant to be one hit kills. Shotguns are not.
The Disruptor stole the plasma pistol’s ability to stall vehicles. It takes a few shots. It’s also a damage over time weapon. It eats shields. It’s great for team fire, as it also sparks to other nearby players. I was using it to great effect in a BTB CTF last night. I can tag multiple people with it while my team finishes them off.
If you hit someone 6 times with the disruptor pistol they will die from damage over time. It takes at least 3 hits before the DoT goes into affect. Also, the gun fires really fast if you spam the trigger and basically has no bloom or anything.
The Heatwave is admittedly difficult to use, but it’s powerful. It shoots six pellets per shot, it takes 12 to kill. It’s great in cramped hallways.
I’ve seen lots of people say the Ravager is shit, but it’s also useful. If you hold the trigger and charge a shot it’s fairly powerful and also coats a fairly large area with fire. It’s great for closing down routes, and I’ve successfully stopped flag or oddball recoveries by just painting the area with fire.
Hydra is great on the big team maps. The non-locked on firing mode is more powerful, but the tracking it great if you catch someone out in the open. Again, I’ve had a lot of luck killing flag carriers with it—if you’re locked on you can curve the rockets around cover.
Also, it can be kinda treated as a sniper in larger maps, even though it doesn't have a zoom, because you can just "fire and forget" by easily lobbying rockets in a perfectly straight line towards your enemy and it does okay splash damage.
The biggest “problem” (if you can call it that) is that the AR/Sidekick combo is such a fucking workhorse, you barely need to even consider picking anything else up.
Yeah, I feel like picking up weapons give you 10-20% advantage in a specific situation which can be overcome by skill. Where as the AR/Sidekick are good in almost every situation.

Pre-Lauch Halo:Infinite Weapon Thoughts
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:07 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by INSANEdrive, Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:15
My only complaint is that some of the weapons are garbage and not worth using. If they patch that this would be a very good Halo game.
Which ones? Because I think you’re wrong. I think they’ve done a great job of making all the weapons fun and useful. The only one that feels off is the Commando. It’s not as good as a Battle Rifle, but if you use it at the range it feels intended for given its recoil, I think you’re likely to just get killed by someone using a Sidekick or even an AR. I’m sure there are people that are really great with it that could outshoot me using a Sidekick, but that has not been my experience so far (on either side of that encounter).
I'm agreeing with Blue. Some of the Weapons right now are straight trash. It's all over the place, just an absolute inconsistent mess. This really is the most "beta" feeling beta I've ever publicly played.
Straight on in; The Ravager is full on trash right now. Full on trash. Between the time it takes to shoot, for the projectiles to hit, "ammo in the clip"... all of it, trash. There is every other weapon, some of which that also suck, that are by all odds a better option. Even the secondary has issues, though my biggest hit on that is the timid heads up to let you know that you're suddenly in flaming goop.
Even better, I know why. 343 nerfed the weapon into the ground from the Private Alpha (or whatever it was called).
If you still have doubts, try to get a three star rating with The Ravager in the training range. This thing was grossly nerfed into the ground.
Speaking of trash, Pulse Carbine. Not as bad as The Ravager, but ain't no rose either. The spread on this thing is silly, and the time it takes to even down shields is even sillier. You might as well be efficient and shoot your self for the other team. As for the rest...
Bulldog - This dog eats its own shit. If I see you with this, I can probably kick your ass with my own fists, before you can even down my shield. Then again, maybe that's the brilliance of it. Can't shotgun camp if the shotgun doesn't one or two tap.
Stalker and Shock Rifle - Every time I pick this thing up, it just feels shit to use. I can't even critique its property, because I don't really know. It just feels awful to me. Only reason to pick up a shock rifle is if you need to stop a vehicle at range.
Commando - WAY too much kick for way too little damage. Hard Pass, unless I need to feather tap someone unshielded at range.
Cindershot - This Power weapon has this odd grayness to it, that I don't know how to word. Something is missing.
Plasma Pistol - Doesn't stop vehicles anymore.
Rocket Launcher - No longer Locks On. Have fun shooting things out of the sky!
Hydra - Locks on but, the only thing slower than this its TTK is its reload. Non-Lock on mode can be pretty useful though.
Needler - The Delay till explosion feels longer, and the speed of the needles feels slow to me. You can dodge these projectiles with a relative ease. This one is harder to critique, as I know I am unconsciously referencing past games in my considerations. This weapon has in its history many variants and tune ups. If I recall correctly, I think Reach did a decent job, or on of the later Bungie renditions anyway.
Energy Sword - Much like the melees right now, I've found hit detection to be sometimes quite hit or miss, but... when it connects it does its job. Swish swish jab jab. As a bonus (somehow), it is not a fighter jet.
Battle Rifle - I miss the Halo 2/3 Sound. The pitch is too high. Other wise, tat-tat-tat tat-tat-tat.
Gravity Hammer - There are Minor things I could poke at, but... yeah. Gravity Hammer. Just like the tin says.
Skewer - "Just Like the Tin Says"
Assault Rifle - It's good.
Mangler - Once you understand its loop, you can do so CQ Work with this thing. It's the Mauler, but better.
Sniper Rifle - After not being able to really do a darn with this type weapon in Destiny, OH it feels SOOOOOO good to be able to Snipe again.
Heatwave - I like its ability to change its shot pattern. That's cool. As is the ability to make bank shots.
Sidekick - It's not the Halo 1 Pistol, it's the Anonymous Autumn with better range potential.
(OH I miss that weapon! It was SO SNAPPY!)
Disruptor - Low Key Power Weapon. Don't tell sage. Shhhhh.

Git Gud
by cheapLEY , Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:26 (1200 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by cheapLEY, Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:30
Speaking of trash, Pulse Carbine. Not as bad as The Ravager, but ain't no rose either. The spread on this thing is silly, and the time it takes to even down shields is even sillier. You might as well be efficient and shoot your self for the other team. As for the rest...
Use it midrange, the bolts track like crazy. If you find someone out in the open, it’s actually kind of ridiculous. It’s a two burst kill.
Bulldog - This dog eats its own shit. If I see you with this, I can probably kick your ass with my own fists, before you can even down my shield. Then again, maybe that's the brilliance of it. Can't shotgun camp if the shotgun doesn't one or two tap.
It literally two taps. It’s legitimately great while not being the Chaperone.
Stalker and Shock Rifle - Every time I pick this thing up, it just feels shit to use. I can't even critique its property, because I don't really know. It just feels awful to me. Only reason to pick up a shock rifle is if you need to stop a vehicle at range.
The Shock Rifle is just as powerful as the S7 with the added bonus of shutting down vehicles. The Stalker 3 taps. It’s better than a BR.
Commando - WAY too much kick for way too little damage. Hard Pass, unless I need to feather tap someone unshielded at range.
Can’t disagree here.
Cindershot - This Power weapon has this odd grayness to it, that I don't know how to word. Something is missing.
The grenades from this thing actively pull enemies towards them. It’s great for crowd control.
Plasma Pistol - Doesn't stop vehicles anymore.
Still eats shields, though.
Rocket Launcher - No longer Locks On. Have fun shooting things out of the sky!
Didn’t it only ever lock on in Halo 2? Splash damage feels inconsistent.
Needler - The Delay till explosion feels longer, and the speed of the needles feels slow to me. You can dodge these projectiles with a relative ease. This one is harder to critique, as I am reference past games as well in my considerations. This weapon has seems many variants and tune ups. If I recall correctly, I think Reach did a decent job, or on of the later Bungie renditions anyway.
I think it’s projectile speed. Unless I get the drop on someone, I almost always trade. I die while the needles are still traveling, but then they land and blow up.
Battle Rifle - I miss the Halo 2/3 Sound. The pitch is too high. Other wise, tat-tat-tat tat-tat-tat.
Are you using headphones? I don’t think the BR has ever sounded better than it does now.
Also, no one has mentioned it, but the Sentinel Beam fucking melts if you can keep it on target.

Git Gud
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, November 22, 2021, 15:12 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Also, no one has mentioned it, but the Sentinel Beam fucking melts if you can keep it on target.
That's one hell of an 'if' there, pal. That thing fights me more than SMGs in Destiny!
Also, no one has mentioned it, but the Sentinel Beam fucking melts if you can keep it on target.
That's one hell of an 'if' there, pal. That thing fights me more than SMGs in Destiny!
Lol, you’re not wrong, but man it’s satisfying to melt people in like a second.
Git Gud
by EffortlessFury , Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 06:30 (1199 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by EffortlessFury, Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 06:40
Some of the weapons definitely take some getting used to. I had to figure out how these weapons work to three star all the drills.
The Shock Rifle is a one-shot kill if you land a headshot.
The Needler can be effectively evaded if the enemy picks a direction perpendicular to you and does not stop moving in that direction; if they juke, they're dead.
With the Bulldog, you have to start firing a bit sooner than you typically would with a shotgun to win the engagement rather than being able to decide an engagement with a single point-blank shot. It's a change in strategy but it's still viable.
Disruptor is great for grouped up enemies (chain lightning) and three shots on a single enemy will trigger a shield drain effect that not only DoTs for ~5s, but as a consequence effectively doubles the time it takes for shield recharge to trigger.
The Ravager is probably the weakest weapon, but one thing the AoE can do is reset people's shield recharge timer. Also, I think it disrupts the vision of people being hit? It's feels like it is meant as a support weapon for a second person alongside you.
Everything in the sandbox has a place; some of them are situationally particular, but they do seem very intentionally designed.

Pre-Lauch Halo:Infinite Weapon Thoughts
by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, November 22, 2021, 14:57 (1200 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
Pulse Carbine.
I've had decent success with this in open areas. With good aim it drops people fast.
It's a shotgun. In an elevator it should obliterate anything with one shot. It doesn't. Hard pass.
Only had this in my hands a few times but it seemed like it could destroy. I'm pretty sure I was dropping people with 2 headshots during a CTF game. I was on a perch and they were chasing the flag, running right at me. Wiped a team with minimum shots.
Shock Rifle
Also brutal if you can land a headshot. Otherwise, only good against groups.
Worst weapon I've ever used in a game. Absolutely worthless in any scenario.
Plasma Pistol
Why would anyone ever use this weapon in any Halo game...pfft. lame.
Rocket Launcher
No vehicle lock. Shot two enemies point blank and they survived. Pass.
Don't even know what this is.
See Plasma Pistol
Energy Sword
Not had one yet.
Battle Rifle
I guess it does what it's always done, it just feels weak and no fun.
Gravity Hammer
Lots of flash and bang, yields inconsistent results.
Good against vehicles and long range snipes.
Assault Rifle
Amazing by default? I don't know. It's useful in most scenarios....except when I use it. I've unloaded two clips without killing my target. Then I get instakilled from behind with one. Who knows.
Not enough experience.
Sniper Rifle
Not used one yet.
See AR
It's actually really fun to use. It might be my fav.

Update: Pre-Lauch Halo:Infinite Weapon Thoughts
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Sunday, November 28, 2021, 10:55 (1194 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I see you cheapLEY! FYI, you're on the internet, so you're wrong and I'm right. Sorry. Dems da rulz. NO back-cees. Furthermore, this isn't ever true for me, as I'm not actually here. You see I'm just a figment of your imagination. That's right, I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE! YOU ARE!
In other words, the base Pulse Carbine still is, as it has been, hot garbage. Get Rekt, LOL. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. ;D
So I've played "just a few" more games of Halo:Infinite, and so I've grown in certain appreciation of things. Furthermore, I've been playing around with controller settings, and that's helped a lot with some of the weapons. I'm still working on it, big thing right now is finding out what weapon has what zoom factor, as while some do show how much zoom is being shown, some don't. Makes personal tuning of weapon feel a bit touchy as a result.
Again, Destiny/Bungie has spoiled me here.
So here is what I said before, and an updated take.
Bulldog - This dog eats its own shit. If I see you with this, I can probably kick your ass with my own fists, before you can even down my shield. Then again, maybe that's the brilliance of it. Can't shotgun camp if the shotgun doesn't one or two tap.
This dog knows a trick that I've since learned; It's an auto-firing Rapid/Adaptive fire frame. (Side Note: You know you have played too much Destiny when you use Destiny terms for other games!) Thus, much like in Destiny, if you surprise someone with it, or use it for clean up, it does what it needs to do.
And yes, it can APPARENTLY two tap, but you have to be so close that if you don't have full shields, you might get a punch in the face that will make the shot gunning irrelevant. Not a fan, but get the trade off I guess. You can two tap with your fists as well so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Stalker and Shock Rifle - Every time I pick this thing up, it just feels shit to use. I can't even critique its property, because I don't really know. It just feels awful to me. Only reason to pick up a shock rifle is if you need to stop a vehicle at range.
My use of these two was helped SIGNIFICANTLY by playing around with controller settings. Still not there yet, and aesthetically I have some words with the "DMR" Stalker, but all in all my criticisms have been largely fixed by playing around with controller settings.
Cindershot - This Power weapon has this odd grayness to it, that I don't know how to word. Something is missing.
This thing is very alien, so good job! It's very hybrid grenade/rocket launcher, and my biggest criticism is that even though it's a heavy I don't really know where the area of effect in its damage is happening. I don't know what "type" of projectile it is supposed to be, but it needs some ground/impact detail to show that "something big happens here" instead of just... Jubilee VFX.
Plasma Pistol - Doesn't stop vehicles anymore.
Shock damage does this now, I know, but this is frankly one of the most jarring changes that needs rectifying somehow. It's been a thing since Halo 2, and for it to not be there is... it hurts, for lack of a better word.
How many folks here have seen someone try to zap you with a charged Plasma Bolt, only to watch their horror as you keep on coming their way? I got mixed emotions man.
One more thing. It MAY be considered a spoiler by some of y'all who are REEEEEEEally touchy about anything the might even slightly touch the single player experience. So there you are, that's the warning. But really... naaa.
Did you note I mentioned "base Pulse Carbine" above? That's because in Halo:Infinite there are variants of weapons. You may have seen this if you have watched any single player previews. Did you know YOU CAN TEST OUT THESE WEAPONS RIGHT NOW!!! (Don't expect this to be patched per how you're able to get your hands on these, but you never know.)
Some of them feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to use. Some of them are BROKEN AF. Some of them are just cool! Even the Pulse Carbine feels suddenly worth using.
Go to Custom Games > Mode Editor > Mode and select with-in the 343 Options Fiesta:Slayer (it's on the second page). Now Mode Editor again > Sandbox and turn on "Weapon Racks/Placements" and "Power Weapon Pads".
That's it! It's random but from those pads you can get your hands on the "upgraded" kit. And wow, it's something. Have fun!

Update: Pre-Lauch Halo:Infinite Weapon Thoughts
by cheapLEY , Sunday, November 28, 2021, 16:41 (1194 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by cheapLEY, Sunday, November 28, 2021, 17:11
I knew the campaign had those variants, but didn’t know they could show up yet. It’s neat! I unit saw the Duelist Sword and the Rushdown Hammer, both of which are cool. I might need to play on a BTB map to see what the Sniper variant is.
Edit: Messed around some more. The Backdraft Cindershot is ridiculous. Also the rapid fire pulse carbine shreds. I didn’t realize there were variants of normal weapons.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Sunday, November 28, 2021, 16:58 (1194 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I knew the campaign had those variants, but didn’t know they could show up yet. It’s neat! I unit saw the Duelist Sword and the Rushdown Hammer, both of which are cool.
The Map does seem to effect what types of weapons spawn.
I might need to play on a BTB map to see what the Sniper variant is.
If these weapons do actually play out in PvP, we'll see 360 no scopes with this thing. It's... interesting.

by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Sunday, November 28, 2021, 18:42 (1194 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
If these weapons do actually play out in PvP, we'll see 360 no scopes with this thing. It's... interesting.
Oh god, not the Jackals again

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Sunday, November 28, 2021, 19:34 (1194 days ago) @ ZackDark
If these weapons do actually play out in PvP, we'll see 360 no scopes with this thing. It's... interesting.
Oh god, not the Jackals again
Hah!... you're honestly not far off.
I finally used the special Sniper. It’s wild. Ten round magazine, low zoom, high rate of fire.
I really wish we could just set a mode with all the unique variants. I want to see them all and really get a feel for them.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, November 29, 2021, 21:28 (1193 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I finally used the special Sniper. It’s wild. Ten round magazine, low zoom, high rate of fire.
I really wish we could just set a mode with all the unique variants. I want to see them all and really get a feel for them.
It's better than that. Did you notice the size of the reticle? NO scope head shots. Easy.
I finally used the special Sniper. It’s wild. Ten round magazine, low zoom, high rate of fire.
I really wish we could just set a mode with all the unique variants. I want to see them all and really get a feel for them.
It's better than that. Did you notice the size of the reticle? NO scope head shots. Easy.
I actually didn’t notice that, but now that you’ve pointed it out, it makes sense.
I finally used the special Sniper. It’s wild. Ten round magazine, low zoom, high rate of fire.
I really wish we could just set a mode with all the unique variants. I want to see them all and really get a feel for them.
My greatest problem with the sniper is that I try to zoom it. And you only need to zoom the sniper like 10% of the time.
Update: Pre-Lauch Halo:Infinite Weapon Thoughts
by EffortlessFury , Monday, November 29, 2021, 13:02 (1193 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
Shock damage does this now, I know, but this is frankly one of the most jarring changes that needs rectifying somehow. It's been a thing since Halo 2, and for it to not be there is... it hurts, for lack of a better word.
Just for clarity, it has been a thing since Halo 3, not since Halo 2.

Plasma Pistol thoughts
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, November 29, 2021, 14:17 (1193 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
While it has lost the EMP effect, I have found its tracking much more aggressive now. I love it. It was probably a balancing thing, but I think losing EMP came first.
Fiesta was a really good choice for this first event. I don't think I'd ever get used to these weapons were it not for the randomness of Fiesta.
While it has lost the EMP effect, I have found its tracking much more aggressive now. I love it. It was probably a balancing thing, but I think losing EMP came first.
I wonder if they played with giving it the slight stun effect against players it used to have. Seems like it could have been a neat reason to use it. The charged shot is the only thing it’s good for now—its normal fire is useless.

Plasma Pistol thoughts
by Revenant1988
, How do I forum?, Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 09:08 (1192 days ago) @ cheapLEY
While it has lost the EMP effect, I have found its tracking much more aggressive now. I love it. It was probably a balancing thing, but I think losing EMP came first.
I wonder if they played with giving it the slight stun effect against players it used to have. Seems like it could have been a neat reason to use it. The charged shot is the only thing it’s good for now—its normal fire is useless.
Remember in Combat Evolved when you got hit with plasma fire it would slow down your movements? I'd like to see that return in exchange for the EMP.
Or just bring back the EMP.
I don't see the sandbox being unbalanced by having the PP and Shock Rifle both have stun.

Plasma Pistol thoughts
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 11:11 (1192 days ago) @ Revenant1988
Remember in Combat Evolved when you got hit with plasma fire it would slow down your movements? I'd like to see that return in exchange for the EMP.
I don't see the sandbox being unbalanced by having the PP and Shock Rifle both have stun.
The Disruptor and Shock Grenades do too, FWIW, not to mention the instant jack from the Grappleshot and the bounce back from the Repulsor.

Wort wort wort!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 22, 2021, 10:42 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
So a small number of unlocks are available without paying by earning them, while most are available only for purchase? And the in game unlock process is laborious and slow? That’s the gist of it?
So a small number of unlocks are available without paying by earning them, while most are available only for purchase? And the in game unlock process is laborious and slow? That’s the gist of it?
It’s not even in game, really. It’s a paid battle pass. Some levels give a free item if you haven’t paid, but not many.

Wort wort wort!
by bluerunner , Music City, Monday, November 22, 2021, 11:34 (1200 days ago) @ cheapLEY
So a small number of unlocks are available without paying by earning them, while most are available only for purchase? And the in game unlock process is laborious and slow? That’s the gist of it?
It’s not even in game, really. It’s a paid battle pass. Some levels give a free item if you haven’t paid, but not many.
Most of the free items are just cards to change the daily challenge if you don't want the current one.
Wort wort wort!
by EffortlessFury , Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 06:33 (1199 days ago) @ bluerunner
It is important to note that we should wait to see what the event cycle looks like (with the first starting in just a few hours). AFAIK, all of the event cosmetics are completely free.
It is important to note that we should wait to see what the event cycle looks like (with the first starting in just a few hours).
Should we? Limited time events for earning basic unlocks inherently sucks. Cool, now I have Warframe, Destiny, Apex, and Halo to juggle with all the events. I reject “event cosmetics are free” as a good compromise at a fundamental level, especially when there are no basic customization options to begin with.

Wort wort wort!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 08:00 (1199 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I thought that with Halos battle pass you could buy and earn things from old passes. It seems like nothing is limited time only.

Wort wort wort!
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 09:01 (1199 days ago) @ Cody Miller
I thought that with Halos battle pass you could buy and earn things from old passes. It seems like nothing is limited time only.
The wording is very clearly mentioning the Battle Passes themselves. Limited-time events like the one that starts today are still unclear, AFAIK.

Dunno about FOMO, but progression is bleh
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 11:09 (1199 days ago) @ ZackDark
You need to level up normally to level up in the LTE, apparently. Considering how not-at-all fast I'm progressing in the regular battle pass, sounds like a full-time job to get to lvl20 on the LTE pass...

Makes Bungie look fucking generous.
by cheapLEY , Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 15:39 (1199 days ago) @ ZackDark
- No text -
Not quite
by EffortlessFury , Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 02:53 (1199 days ago) @ ZackDark
The challenges that are marked with the red banner level up the event pass. There are seven of them and they're mixed in with the rest so you'll need to continue to complete challenges to get the rest of the event challenges to appear. You can't finish the event pass this week. It has to be done over five of the six weeks minimum. (not thrilled about it either)

That explains a lot, actually. My mistake
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 05:05 (1199 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
- No text -
The challenges that are marked with the red banner level up the event pass. There are seven of them and they're mixed in with the rest so you'll need to continue to complete challenges to get the rest of the event challenges to appear. You can't finish the event pass this week. It has to be done over five of the six weeks minimum. (not thrilled about it either)
So it’s even worse than anticipated. Now I have event challenges in place of normal ones, and Fiesta sucks and I don’t want to play it, so I just have half as many challenges to do during the event.
Seriously, do they not have anyone in that studio that pays even a little bit of attention to the industry at all? These lessons have been learned dozens of times by as many studios. How is it even possible to fuck something up this bad?

Not quite
by bluerunner , Music City, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 08:06 (1198 days ago) @ cheapLEY
So, apparently I have to pay to use the same colors on the armor this event unlocks as I do on the default armor?
Event color:
Free default armor color:
This whole armor core thing is unnecessarily confusing.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 08:29 (1198 days ago) @ bluerunner
So, apparently I have to pay to use the same colors on the armor this event unlocks as I do on the default armor?
This whole armor core thing is unnecessarily confusing.
It really is quite stunning isn't it. In short, each "ARMOR CORE" is its own thing, where you need to unlock that cores "stuff". That way, 343 can always have something "fresh" for the player to chase. On the upside though, once you have the "stuff" (such as the armor color), you can use it as much as you want on that core, so that's a plus I suppose.
I, like you, do also clearly enjoy unlocking things I've already unlocked, but not really. Because it's a different armor core. SEE, you can see it's different because the name is different! HORRAY!
kill me /s lol lol *cry*
Yeah, this is a major problem.
by EffortlessFury , Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 12:08 (1198 days ago) @ bluerunner
edited by EffortlessFury, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 12:16
Hard to say if you have to pay as the skin isn't available yet, but outside of being a capstone reward or some other means of acquisition they've yet to use, yeah it'll be paid.

Not quite
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 08:14 (1198 days ago) @ cheapLEY
The challenges that are marked with the red banner level up the event pass. There are seven of them and they're mixed in with the rest so you'll need to continue to complete challenges to get the rest of the event challenges to appear. You can't finish the event pass this week. It has to be done over five of the six weeks minimum. (not thrilled about it either)
So it’s even worse than anticipated. Now I have event challenges in place of normal ones, and Fiesta sucks and I don’t want to play it, so I just have half as many challenges to do during the event.Seriously, do they not have anyone in that studio that pays even a little bit of attention to the industry at all? These lessons have been learned dozens of times by as many studios. How is it even possible to fuck something up this bad?
Something something learn from history lol? It is interesting, as I'm not sure how or why, where 343 even-with-the-added-and-known-talent, some how manages to be a step or two behind. They just... miss things. In observation of results presented alone, they are the most professional cliché-indie game dev ever (I suppose is one way I could describe it). And I shall agree in the above, I don't understand why either. Maybe it's because they only ever have to make one game? They don't have to diversify a content portfolio, nor really fight to get their game out to the players. All perks to being congenitally joined to the Microsoft food nipple.
Like... I almost hate to say it, but... just... just copy Bungie than iterate from there. I mean, technically THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOIN' ANYWAY! They just need to do more of it. I guess. Ugh... what is that taste in my mouth?
Not quite
by EffortlessFury , Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 12:14 (1198 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
I mean, they had a posting for a position for this specific purpose. The entire system is designed around trying to drive continual engagement and to get you to spend money. The irony is that the system is so aggressive that it might actually lessen engagement and spending. I can't believe for a second that no one in 343i who knew about this saw this coming.

Saw this coming.
by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 18:29 (1198 days ago) @ EffortlessFury
I mean, they had a posting for a position for this specific purpose. ...
They still do.
... The entire system is designed around trying to drive continual engagement and to get you to spend money. The irony is that the system is so aggressive that it might actually lessen engagement and spending. I can't believe for a second that no one in 343i who knew about this saw this coming.
I'd say that is an accurate assumption.
Between this...
Been traveling so slow to respond - but please know the constructive feedback is being heard loud and clear. Changes will take time and our priority this week is giving the team a much deserved break for the holiday after a long final stretch. Thank you for understanding. 🙏
— Brian Jarrard (@ske7ch) November 24, 2021
and the in-retrospect "vibe I get from this which should start at 11:25 and ends at 12:25...
I'm getting a vibe that some bean counter overrided wiser choices. Maybe I'm getting too much out of it, but, well here it is. Call it as one will.

Not quite
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 12:34 (1198 days ago) @ cheapLEY
The cosmetics actually materially affect the “gameplay”. It’s the reason you aren’t just assigned a red or blue color, and why the outline exists to differentiate enemies from teammates. An outline which is quite obviously less clear than Red vs Blue is.

Not quite
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 15:39 (1198 days ago) @ Cody Miller
The cosmetics actually materially affect the “gameplay”. It’s the reason you aren’t just assigned a red or blue color, and why the outline exists to differentiate enemies from teammates. An outline which is quite obviously less clear than Red vs Blue is.
Actually, I've found the new outline helps out a lot, since it's a highlight, as opposed to the muted colors we had lately. I did change enemy outlines to yellow, though, so that might be even more pronounced.
As such, the cosmetics are barely visible until I get into the death cam.