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From Whence She Came

2. "The wall is not safe. Full of Devils. But I've carved out a refuge in an underground tunnel. The Fallen have not followed me down here. Either they don't consider me a threat... Or there's something else down here with me. But there is moving water down here. Hope it leads somewhere...

"Strange voices in the night. But 'voices' may not be the right word. A song of a thousand speakers in discord. Their words are varied and conflicting, but the singers are many and of the same tone. The more I try to listen, the harder the lyrics are to decipher.

"I must get out. But I do not know if I should push farther into the dark and those horrible hymns or retread back through the enemy embattled above.

"...I should have looked ahead. She wrote of this cosmodrome. Warnings. If only I had her rifle with me now! But I believe this is where her Ghost was overcome, leaving her to die out there with the last wounds she would ever bear.  My own Ghost... He must be alive out there, somewhere."

Leviathan | Jul 29, 2014 02:25 pm | link


ign.pngJDQuakers let us know that IGN has a Q & A with Bungie's Urk right here. Some interesting talk on the reasoning behind certain decisions like player names as well as which aspects of the game are still in some deliberation, like voice communication, thanks to Beta feedback.

Personally, I'd be fine with not talking to strangers, though I could see some more Fable-esque emotes, like acting like a chicken or farting for example, could be instrumental in challenging missions.

TAGS: IGN, beta, urk
Leviathan | Jul 29, 2014 02:06 pm | link

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