Avatar Patch Notes + Dev Notes (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 25, 2014, 15:32 (3520 days ago) @ Jabberwok

Not sure how I feel about the weapon changes. I already thought the shotgun's effective range felt much shorter than in any other game. I don't mind them making scout rifles better, but they already seem pretty good to me. And I wonder if my legendary assault rifle that I found will now be not worth using if they further decrease stability. There are only a couple of models that strike me as too effective at range. I don't know, maybe these changes make more sense in competitive.

I got a shotgun in the Vault of Glass that already had a lot of range, but it had an ability and sight to further upgrade it. With the upgrades, it is positively beastly, and seriously overpower in the crucible. I've been killing folks when I hear them charge their fusion rifles, and they are somewhat distant.

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