
Useless Exotics: How could Bungie fix them? (Destiny)

by GrandmasterNinja, Saturday, February 14, 2015, 13:21 (3379 days ago)

We all know there are a few exotics out there that suck (Super Good Advice, No Land Beyond, Universal Remote, etc.). I realize that some people think the exotics I listed previously may be some of your favorites, but let's think rationally here:

You have a choice between using SGA or Thunderlord, 10/10 times I'd go with Thunderlord. How about between using Bad Juju and Red Death...it depends. That's the key. When deciding between exotics we should always think "it depends".

Universal Remote:
Pro: You have a shotty as your main gun
Con: Almost every other shotty is better than it

The problem with this exotic is that other LEGENDARY shotguns perform better than it almost always. An exotic shouldn't be outclassed by a legendary even if you change it's equip slot to primary. The Mythoclast wasn't nerfed because it was a primary, infact it performs better than most primary weapons. I think the Universal Remote gets trumped by any warlock meleeing you to death.

How to fix?: Make it a slug firing shotgun and increase its range to fusion rifle range. This makes it a "Universal" weapon, while still not making it OP due to low clip size, very little room for aiming error, and slower than normal pump-action.

No Land Beyond:
Pro: You have a sniper as your main gun
Con: (Don't get me started...)

The gun is a novelty, an artifact of a bygone era, but it is still a gun! A tool made for killing! But it can barely do that for some reason. Our guardian is too slow to slide the action. The gun was nerfed because it is moving a sniper to the primary slot which is a dumb reason. I'm still expecting it to function at the very least like a Mosin Nagant or an Intervention. In other games when the gun is bolt action, we're slowed down between firing rounds with the reward of doing higher damage per shot when compared to semi/fully auto rifles. Unfortunately the perks don't even aid you. I'd only allow this kind of gun to exist if it didn't have a lens flare when zooming in.

How to fix?: 1.) Leave it the same but remove the scope's lens flare. 2.) leave the lens flare, but let the bolt action animation speed up per headshot to a capped speed multiplier of x6. The max speed should be something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbRGGtqGXN8). The speed multiplier drops 1 per missed shot and is completely nullified on death.

Super Good Advice:
Pro: When you miss you'll probably get your bullet back, and it's killer during Oracles.
Con: The only reason you're missing is because the recoil is absurd

I really, REALLY wanted to use this gun since the first few gameplay videos were released by Bungie but alas it sucks. The only super good advice it gives you is to not use the SGA. The gun should reward you for using the gun well, not for missing shots! The thing is the perk is useless to players who can master it's recoil! How about a perk for being able to "following it's advice"? How about getting your bullet back when you land a critical hit? How about getting 20 bullets back after a kill? How about bottomless clip? I could keep coming up with "advice" on how to fix this let down of a gun. And the gun looks almost like the New Monarchy Prestige IV, don't they?. Make something actually distinguish the gun from eachother, something glowing? lights? make it sound different?

How to fix?: Give it an additional perk or change it's SGA perk to something else. Call it "Don't Stop Talking", "SGA", "Blabbermouth", "White Lies" doesn't matter. And make it so that when a crit is landed you get that bullet back. That way we can tolerate the recoil, or at least have a reason for the ludicrous recoil in the first place.

I think Exotics should honestly be treated like a Sub-Subclass. An exotic should change the way you play and reward each playstyle. The Armamentarium + Gjallarhorn combo makes you the "Heavy Weapons Guy". The Don't Touch Me + Patience & Time makes you a Stealth Ninja. I can list plenty of exotic combos that really cater to a playstyle and rewards you for it. But I can tell you that the SGA, UR, and NLB don't reward you for your playstyle at all; they only hinder your would be killing rampage by handicapping you and not rewarding you for overcoming the gun's handicaps. If Bungie doesn't apply rewards to overcoming the gun's handicap, then you're just penalizing yourself by using the gun.

In fact every good exotic either is just a top tier version of it's subclass (e.g.:MIDA, Suros, Red Death), completely changes your playstyle (e.g.:Icebreaker, The Last Word, Bad Juju), or it has a synergy with another exotic armor (e.g.:Skullfort + Red Death = Vampire Titan , Juju + Obsidian = Spellcaster), or you'd become OP if you could carry the weapon and another Exotic (pocket infinity, Mythoclast, invective). If the gun is exotic but doesn't fit the previously listed criterion, then it doesn't deserve the "Exotic" title.

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