
Fun times! (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Friday, March 27, 2015, 19:15 (3317 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Destiny just wouldn't be the same without me dying to cursed thrall at least once when fighting the hive. On that successful win, that's actually what did me in -- cursed thrall exploding and the boomers splash damage all at the same time. If you watch the video you'll see cruel passing up 3 of them on his way up the stairs. One exploded near me and a boomer finished the job a split second later.

My favorite moment had to be in the abyss going up the first hill. I ran headlong into a hole that I somehow completely missed. And then I courageously self-rezzed only to be killed by the exploding lantern immediately. Doh! Hilariously embarassing that.

I wish I had a better story to tell, but it all got precluded a bit by getting my first Thunderlord on the singer, followed by a the warlock helm from Crota and a surprise Gjallarhorn after we went to orbit. One of my better loot runs... well, in a really long time!

I should note that I am lately almost always on the left there when at the bridge. I played the center a bit last night and gotta say, it seemed a bit easier than over there on the left. Definitely more scout rifle friendly, and I was using my newly levelled Gheleon's Demise at the time. Note to self: my timur's lash didn't need 20+ rerolls (for a marginal upgrade) just to be unavailable for crota hard. =)

Also, I do not recommend having only 2? people left standing at the end of the singer fight. I think it took us 10 minutes to clear out all the remaining guys. We all kept saying "almost there!" and they just. kept. coming. out.

Lastly, not quite raid related, I did the nightfall once after the raid with Dogcow since I missed the usual runs Tuesday. It got me to rank 13 with dead orbit. I guess they were so impressed they sent me a void Deviant Gravity-A with rodeo and field scout! Woo!

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