
I think Destiny has a lot of UI issues, actually. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 19:21 (3271 days ago) @ Kermit

I feel like lots of the user experience is very slick, but isn't intuitive at all. When you go to the character menu, you don't start at the far left tab. Rather, you start one over from that. You have to go to orbit before you can go to the mission select screen (the "director"). To see your reputations, you have to mouse over a little pop down box. The vault is only accessible from social areas. The decisions about when to show you numbers (light level 24! Attack power 261!) vs. when not to (Increases weapon stability! slightly faster reload speed!) seem arbitrary and those numbers that are shown are presented without enough context. I still don't *know* what the interaction between attack power, character level, and armor value is. Also, why do monster levels in PvE work totally differently from player levels in PvP? Would it have been that hard to balance them? And why show me damage numbers at all when you refuse to show me total enemy HP? Oh, right - it's because you refuse to put DPS values in the game so without seeing my shot by shot damage ticks I'd never know if gun A was more effective than gun B.

Ugh, I could go on and on about this. It's all been said many times before, probably by me.

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