It's not too bad if you're 34 (Destiny)

by DreadPirateWes, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 16:01 (3262 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

Completed it with a couple 34s from LFG (one had no mic while on the phone!). Didn't actually take that many tries once we figured out the right was the best place to be. It's right in front of a spawn door, but at least there is only one spawn door and there's lots of cover between you and the boss. I upgraded Found Verdict to 365 to pop my own bubble without the buff!

Weapon Setup: Whatever primary, shotgun, gjallarhorn
1. Rockets at start
2. Head right
3. Two concentrate on killing adds
4. One concentrate on finding glowy guy and shooting boss
5. All rocket boss as much as possible
6. Stay grouped up so that you can pop each other's bubbles when detained
7. Keep shotgun loaded fully to pop bubbles

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