I would think the tie in would be different (Destiny)

by Earendil, Friday, August 07, 2015, 15:44 (3194 days ago) @ Beorn

Maybe defeating Oryx in the raid gives a buff for the rest of the week that helps you puzzle-hunt in the Dreadnaught?

I see raids and puzzles/exploring to be very different activities, and if a player wants a relaxing patrol I can see a tie in to a raid as being rather obnoxious.

That said, it does seem like they are going to use the raid to provide a benefit beyond just end-of-raid-drops. It'd be cool if doing the raid put you into patrol instead of orbit, and allowed you to explore both the raid area and areas that are perhaps beyond the final area? I've always found it dumb that both raids to date force you into orbit instead of letting you explore a little.

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