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This Week At Bungie... and a Late-Breaking Story

Okay, big news first: 6v6 Iron Banner has been postponed, due to a late-breaking issue discovered in the studio very recently. Rumble will go live next Tuesday in its place. More details can be found in Cozmo's post on the forums.

With that out of the way, let's get to yesterday's studio update (which, of course, features that upcoming Iron Banner). There's a summary of the recent Mayhem Bungie Bounty, a Q&A with questions sourced from Twitter and answers from Josh Hamrick and Kevin Yanes, a teaser about an upcoming Community Summit, and the normal features - commentary from the Destiny Player Support team, Nightfall scores, fan movies. (The movies are all pretty cool this week.) Go give it a read! As always, in addition to, you can find it in our Weekly Update Archive.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Apr 6, 2018 12:20 pm | link