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This Week at Bungie - May 6

Melee Update Header

Likely recovering from the Cinco de Mayo hangovers, the folks over at Bungie have given us a pretty light update this week:
  • A reminder of the upcoming melee fix (scheduled for activation on May 10, but the fix itself was included in the update released a few days ago).
  • Information on the rest of this month's scheduled Twitch streams.
  • Some Update-based troubleshooting info from Destiny Player Support.
  • The highest-scoring teams on the melee-themed Challenge of the Elders (all hailing from the same clan!).
  • And a couple of entertaining clips (including a solo Crota's End completion in just over eight minutes!).
As always, a local version is also available. Pop those knuckles, Guardians!
TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | May 6, 2016 11:07 am | link

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