About RebornUmbraHaze

I'm RebornUmbraHaze, and I'm the author of "Shadows". I have been writing FanFictions, primarily in altered Halo Universes, for quite some time, and have recently decided to post my most recent idea, "Shadows". I am very busy, but you can expect a new part of Shadows to be submitted and hopefully approved every Friday by midnight. If anyone has questions, comments or criticism, my inbox is always open.

Author Archive | RebornUmbraHaze

Shadows, Part 1

If speech had a physical body, then the Hall of the Guardians was the vast emptiness of space. Around the extended octagonal table that stretched a fair length of the room stood the leaders of the City, the heads of the factions and the Guardians that protected all those that lay cradled in the arms […]

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