
Random items for silver (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, December 08, 2015, 00:16 (3369 days ago) @ peaksutah

Couldn't agree more.

I just found out about upcoming $5 racing sparrow random package. We won't even get to pick our sparrow if we buy silver. And a $10 "book" paywall to see our racing stats. All this money for a 3 week experiment game that may not stick around.

The first random package to annoy me was the Blue Skeleton Mask that had some players dishing out $20-40 to try (and fail) to acquire the Hallows Eve Mask. Deej's carefully worded reply on reddit didn't help.

Cyber's post about the micro-transactions stirred up some frustration with Bungie/Activition that I've been trying to ignore.

For the record, I think it's hilariously bad as well, but it's another one of those things where the people who spend money on it are the ones who didn't have any sense in the first place.

I miss Cyber, and I miss playing with him (I know you're reading this) but so far, out of the majority of folks that got all worked up about Bunige adding this kind of fluff to the game, he's the only one with the testicular fortitude to actually stick with his principals and stop playing the game.

Unlike some people.

I've only paid for the actual game and content expansions. That's the way it stays. All the little things they've added for money have been cosmetic or inconsequential crap, and in a game dominated by RNG anyway, I know I'm not missing anything important.

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