
I'm boycotting until we get Tigerman.

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, June 13, 2013, 19:41 (4104 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

My first hunting rifle when I was little was a Remington Model 6 single shot. It was a .22. My grandfather told me he traded 12 possum skins for it back during the depression. I used it for rabbit hunting. It was old and worn, and I had to use a rubber band to get the hammer to strike hard enough for it to fire. It backfired into my eye a few times.
[/bluerunner story]

{Emphasis by INSANEdrive)

You sir are the master of Cliffhangers.

No permanent damage. It definately didn't hurt as bad as the time I held a bottle rocket in my teeth. That has ever since been at the top of my list of things to never do again.

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