
Decreasing recoil? (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, February 01, 2016, 19:18 (3057 days ago) @ BeardFade

Just remember, Aim Assist is hidden in the range stat. You may be trading off a several points of aim assist with lower range for added stability. Just something to keep in mind when evaluating a gun.

Just adding to this...
The way Aim Assist works with snipers is a bit different than some other guns. With most weapons, there is a certain amount of reticle magnetism. Say you're sidestepping and your crosshair passes over a target; the magnetism will cause you're reticle to "stick" slightly to the target, or slow down as it passes over top of them. In effect, this widens the window for you to pull the trigger while you're still on target.

There is also a certain level of bullet magnetism on som guns. This is where your bullet doesn't fire exactly where you aimed it, but rather it bends ever so slightly to hit the target.

Sniper Rifles don't benefit from billet magnetism. But they do benefit from reticle magnetism.

Knowing that, Cody's advice about sidestepping becomes extra important. You benefit the most from reticle magnetism (aim assist) when you are sidestepping and your crosshair passes over a target. If you are relying completely on moving the right stick to aim, you will overpower most of the aim assist. But if you touch the right stick as little as possible and instead use the left stick to adjust your horizontal aim, the magnetism will kick in and help you out.

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