+1, can confirm, this is a Big Deal™ (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, February 01, 2016, 19:33 (3057 days ago) @ slycrel

At least for me. I was noticeably getting more consistent headshots when I chose range over stability during IB this past week. I made 2 somewhat drastic perk changes on my 1000 yard stare. First, my scope changed from:

TACSYS SLS15 ("Mid-zoom scope. Useful for unpredictable situations.") to
LONGVIEW SLR10 ("Low zoom scope. Improved range and handling.")

The longview apparently doesn't have a long view scope, it's just about right. Can't really tell a handling difference, but that may be not looking for it. Range and shorter scope view is better with this one.

Also I went from perfect balance to reinforced barrel, directly trading stability for range.

I am a mediocre sniper. But this was a noticeable improvement for my (probably still) mediocre sniping ability. =) I'm now a believer in range over stability.

I, too, recently switched to the Longview scope (from Ambush) - I don't know if I get more headshots, but the added contextt available in the lower-zoom scope definitely gets me more hits.

I guess I'm gonna have to try hand-laid stock and see if I do better or worse - this thread is making it clear to me that there's no single answer to the question. :)

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