
Who is your favorite bad guy? (Destiny)

by Durandal, Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 14:53 (3304 days ago) @ Korny

I think he's a pretty good character who happens to be the antagonist.

As a proper foil for the heroine of the movie, he fails. Measured against any of the other characters he doesn't seem intimidating much at all, and certainly doesn't seem like as big a challenge to overcome. It's bad enough Rei is just a mary sue pilot/mechanic/fighter who multiclasses into Jedi master half way into the film and our plucky POV stormtrooper is lovably incompetent, but their interactions with Ren are like a videogame cutscene where you would wipe the floor with some mooks but because it's a cutscene you lose to one blow to the head or something.

Darth Vader is never seen at a disadvantage in a fight until Revenge of the Jedi. He never seems troubled by Kenobi in III, and only gets shot by Han because he's focused on Luke. In Empire he pretty much kicks everyone's butt. Going up against Vader, or even failing him, is a serious proposition that adds tension and gravitas to the plot.

The latest movie needed someone similar. Phantoma could have been the icy competent Boba Fett, but she gets all of two lines and is never used to good effect. There was really no one to be afraid of.

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