
What I would have written (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 13:19 (3303 days ago) @ narcogen

While I like the "humans are superior" trope, that isn't the central theme of the ME universe. The main question seems to be if various phila of intelligent life can coexist. The Reapers postulate that it cannot, and the risk is universal extinction.

Up till the point that Shepard enters the reaper operated Citadel, the plot is fine even though I felt the secret crucible weapon is a bit far fetched. I would have preferred that they included a bit more on why earth had been sitting on the data for a massive superweapon, even after they knew the reapers both existed and were active.

If anything, I would have changed the ending from the point where the reapers attempt to intercept Shepard's team from entering the teleport beam. In my version, they would enter the beam before the reinforcements arrive. This would lead to a running battle inside the Citadel as Harbinger possesses and leads husks, collectors and indoctrinated foes against you as your team tries to make it to the tower and pull the same stunt as ME1 to link it to the Crucible.

Along the way you would have the option of encountering Cerberus, and the Illusive man, who are hiding out there and attempting to control the reapers.

As a faction, Cerberus is all about acquiring power in order to survive. Philosophically they are identical to the reapers in that no action is beyond them. Shepard would have a "control" type ending where he agrees to assist them in hardwiring the crucible signal to subvert control of the reapers to a central mind, either himself or the illusive man.

He could chose not to, and fight on himself to the tower, using his companions along the way much like the last mission of ME2.

Upon reaching the tower and seizing control, he opens the citadel only to have Harbinger fly in directly to destroy him. Depending on what "war asset" ships Shepard acquired, Harbinger is driven off, with some destroyed in the process. Here the science team with Shepard will start to activate the cruicble, but they realize that there are two different settings, one which affect the reapers (destroy) or everyone else (synthesis).

Admittedly, this still is a bit forced. There really isn't much build up for the synthesis ending in the ME lore. You only shepard's rebuilding into a hybrid as a basis, but some good writing at the end could make that a salient point. I would follow up with Harbinger contacting Shepard afterwards with a "what have you done" speech, where Shepard tells him point blank that he's found a better solution then periodic genocide. That would tie nicely into the main philosophy of the Reapers, turning their horror back on themselves.

So yes, I could get the same endings Bioware wanted, just with a better logical and thematic flow that also made players feel their choices in the prior game affected the outcome. Didn't save people in ME1 or 2? You might not have that path available in the end game of 3.

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