
Does Darth Revan count? (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 03:26 (3304 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

As others have said:

-Sephiroth in FFVII
-Prophet of Truth in Halo 2
-Reapers in Mass Effect 1


-Liquid Snake in MGS (every time I say "brother!", I say it in his voice)
-Lynx from Chrono Cross
-The Joker in the Arkham trilogy
-A number of villains in the GTA series (and Red Dead), though none of them really stand out in particular.

Speaking outside of video games:

-The One Ring
-Henry Fonda in Once Upon a Time In the West
-Magneto - when he's in the moral grey and not painted as purely maniacal.
-Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner
-All of the Dark Knight Trilogy's villains, plus the foes in Burton's two Batmans.
-The villain in Unbreakable
-Darth Vader, pre-children-murdering
...and let's say Darth Maul too, because he was pretty cool, despite not being in the film much.
-Alan Moore's Joker
-The Corinthian from Sandman
-Walter White

I guess I just love villains you find yourself agreeing with at times (the Joker), or have the same motivations of the protagonist but are going about solving the problem in a different way (like Ras in Batman Begins). I also love when the lines aren't so decisively drawn and you find the hero and villain working together (Magneto or The Master from classic Doctor Who).

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