
*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break) (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 06:01 (3002 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Lately I've been really trying to monitor how I conduct myself on the internet. I'm very laid back and very sarcastic. In person, that probably grates on people sometimes (it gives the impression that I don't take anything seriously, which is actually pretty true anyway; lots of people don't like that, I guess). On the internet, I've realized I can come off like a straight up asshole. Add that to the fact that it's difficult to detect tone through text, and people are almost guaranteed to just interpret everything in the worst way possible (I'm very guilty of this, too) and are likely to be combative or defensive . . . It's just something I've been trying to be more conscious of (to varying degrees of non-success, I'm sure).

So anyway, I'm trying not to be too judgmental of anyone, but then something like this happens.

If you preorder Quantum Break on Xbox One (or buy the launch edition of the physical copy), you get the PC version (and Alan Wake) for free. Save games will transfer freely between the two, meaning you can play on your Xbox, then jump over to your PC and pick up exactly where you left off.

Idiots on the internet have somehow decided this is a bad thing, and it blows my mind (this where the trying to not be judgmental thing comes in and fails miserably). This is probably the most pro-consumer thing Microsoft has done in years, and somehow people find a way to be pissed off about it! I'll never understand people . . .

It is a bad thing. Pre-orders are a bad thing. I cannot say this enough. If you buy a product without seeing that product, you are encouraging the companies that produce that product to put their money into pre-launch advertising instead of actual production of that product.


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