
Scariest Destiny Mission? (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, February 27, 2016, 19:31 (3286 days ago)

Any of those missions ever give you a chill up your spine? Make you shudder and/or jump? Don't try to hide it--you know you were a little freaked out by those Knights under The Steppes the first time you saw them.

I know Last Rites really had me sweating, but I think my worst one(still) is The Archive. All those Stealth Vandals...the sounds they make...ohh, I'm shuddering just thinking about it. And when Lightswitch used to be on?! Uh-uh. Whenever I do that mission, I always always always stand on something above ground. The floor is friggin' lava.

Any of you?

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