
ArsTechnica surmises as much (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 13:38 (3269 days ago) @ narcogen

Today, the console market looks quite different from Microsoft's point of view. Worldwide, the PS4 is now in close to twice as many homes as the Xbox One. Even in the usually Microsoft-friendly American market, Microsoft only rarely beats Sony in raw monthly console sales numbers these days.
That means, all things being equal, this console generation is much more likely to see a critical mass of your friends playing on Sony's PlayStation Network rather than on Microsoft's Xbox Live. If both online ecosystems are closed off from each other, more new console buyers are going to follow those friends to Sony's console if they want to play online. But in the world of cross-platform play Microsoft is proposing, the Xbox One might suddenly get a second look—especially since the system will give you access to a new Halo in addition to letting you play Call of Duty and Madden with all your PS4-owning friends.


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