
Best Idea in 19 months. (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 14:07 (3178 days ago) @ red robber

As they stand, sidearms don't really have much of a role. This method really creates room for them to be used more often.

That's 100% true but I'm not sure the game needs to be redesigned to create a role for them. Maybe they just never needed to exist? When they first came out I found the idea interesting, but in practice I just never use them.

I'm not sure what to do with ammo upon death.

Nothing. Nothing at all. Losing ammo on death sucks. I mean it's ok for PvP but it should stay there.

If they had rockets only a purple brick would drop that would feed only current heavies, vs the other specials dropping traditional green bricks?

Eh, if all the OHK weapons are truly being put in the same category then they should have the same ammo bricks, I think.

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