
Personally, I don't think it's about adapting games (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, May 12, 2016, 16:33 (2956 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r
edited by Funkmon, Thursday, May 12, 2016, 16:42

The novel wasn't really the source material. The story was just similar and the things linking the two were tacked on once the name was licensed. It was a convenient way for the director to also get in some jabs at a lame book. (EDIT: what he perceived to be a lame book.)

In my opinion, adaptations don't need to be accurate to the source material anyway, they just need to be competent films and do what it says on the tin. Starship Troopers did. Those reviews, to me, signal a good movie in that sci fi action genre. You can have really good action films, like Edge of Tomorrow, and you can have dumb ones like Starship Troopers or The Expendables. To me, these are entirely different genres of movies.

One is supposed to be more about fun and one is supposed to be more about being good. Starship Troopers was more about being fun and it made a decent movie. It's why I don't have any problems with The Hobbit movies or the superhero movies that ruin characters. Sometimes you just gotta let a movie be a movie.

It's also why I'm excited for more video game adaptations. Maybe if they can let them just be movies, we'll get some good films out of them.

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