
Personally, I don't think it's about adapting games (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, May 12, 2016, 16:51 (2956 days ago) @ Funkmon

One is supposed to be more about fun and one is supposed to be more about being good. Starship Troopers was more about being fun and it made a decent movie. It's why I don't have any problems with The Hobbit movies or the superhero movies that ruin characters. Sometimes you just gotta let a movie be a movie.

I mostly agree with everything you said, except the Hobbit thing. Even as a huge Tolkien fan, I didn't really care that they poorly adapted the Hobbit. I did care that they were three long, boring movies. That's the real issue I think most have. It's not about the quality of the adaption, it's just the fact that they're not good movies.

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