
Starship Troopers- the problem with adaptions (Off-Topic)

by Durandal, Friday, May 13, 2016, 14:15 (2955 days ago) @ marmot 1333

The basic problem is that the complaints about the novel stem from a complete lack of understanding of the work, and the themes therein. The supporters of the movie all regurgitate the same opinion that Heinlein loves random violence and glorifies war.

It's a mistake that stems from reading fellow traveler's opinion's about the book rather then reading the book. Heinlein even has character's in his book talk about the cruelty of war, and why his military based government works the way it does. it isn't about the military, you can get citizenship without serving, it's about making voting something that the voter's cherish and take seriously. Likewise the corporal punishment and clearly defined consequences for actions are all an attempt to make people understand and pay attention to their own behavior.

The criticism often reads instead like Heinlein wrote a thinly veiled version of how awesome nazi Germany was. There is no attempt to explore the psychological questions proposed in the novel, or anything else.

The same error crops up time and time again. World War Z is a great example, the only thing it shares with the source material is zombies.

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