
I don't like fighting Cabal, Vex are more fun. (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, June 07, 2016, 15:38 (3184 days ago) @ dogcow
edited by General Vagueness, Tuesday, June 07, 2016, 15:43

1- You can't dance with Phalanxes like you could with Hunters.

That's true. The swings are too fast and too wide, but mostly it's just that they turn around too fast.

2- You can't shoot them in the hand like you could with Jackals. Often my bullets won't hit their hands, but hit their shields instead, even when my reticule is clearly on the hand (I blame bullet->head magnetism). This is frustrating and I shouldn't have to compensate for it.

You always aim 3-4 inches higher than you think you need to (or 3 inches lower, if you're aiming for the foot) and slightly to the left. That's the trick. You're right that it shouldn't be necessary. My pet theory is they made the shield collision box too big but also made the Phalanxes' body collision box too big, or they compensated one or both from an even worse state they were in before launch and didn't fix it hard enough.

3- The shielded guys just seem like bullet sponges (Halo 2 brutes all over again).

If I remember correctly (and it hasn't been changed), the Cabal take less headshot damage for whatever reason, that might be why Centurions feel worse to you than Captains, Knights, and Wizards.

Now, I do like that they jump around, and finishing one off w/ a headshot is somewhat satisfying, but that doesn't compensate for the annoyances of 1-3.

I'd say it makes the kill even more satisfying, but to each their own. Even I think Phalanxes are a bit of a pain if you're not in the zone, and it really bothers me as a Hunter that it's so hard to stab them. My knives don't work! What is a Hunter without their knife?

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