
So that's what happened! *OT*

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 11:12 (4172 days ago) @ kapowaz

[*] Xbox 360 RRODs (yeah, that went on for years, but does anyone give a damn now?)

I care about the failures with the 360, and I think a lot of people have sworn off MS consoles because of that.

[*] PlayStation 3 launch price and lack of good titles (for a good 2 years post-release); getting rid of backwards compatibility in later models
[*] PlayStation 2 launch price and lack of good titles at launch (noticing a pattern here?)

Looking at it practically, does it matter that much how expensive something used to be, unless it kept you from something you needed or got you to spend more than you should've? For the games, that might not be their fault (it also very well could be, which would be annoying, but I'd call that incompetent, not a calculated attempt at more profit or anything).

As for the rest, I mostly agree (some people will remember and some of them won't be very forgiving), but I'm not sure what point you're getting at, if any.

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