
Fantasy/sci-fi, or sci-fi/fantasy? *Minor RoI Spoilers* (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, September 22, 2016, 13:53 (2927 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I think it would be a lot of fun to do a "flash back" mission. We have heard so many pieces about our past but nothing solid. All I know is that shit happened and we have only kinda learned from it. I would love to have a mission where we are playing as an old school guardian. It doesn't have to be a whole expansion, just one mission that gives us a feel what it was like and maybe explain some lore from the past by playing it out!

That could be a really cool way to start a new game or expansion.

Imagine if The Dark Below began by putting us into the shoes of a Guardian who fought in the massive battle against Crota's forces on the moon. You get to actually experience the battle. The mission ends with the death of your surrogate Guardian. Then, the game brings you back to "current day", back to your Guardian, and the story begins.

It's kinda like an assassin's creed feel to it. You know you are going to die, but that is irrelevant. It also gives you the actual feel of what it is like to be those early guardians. Like what if you could play the last moments of the Iron Wolves? Or someone in Eris's fireteam when they went below? Or anyone in the fireteam that went into the Vault of Glass? That would be freaking awesome.

I just think it would be a great way to help give believable importance to our past history. If we can actually FEEL what it was like to live those moments. That guardians can die or at least get lost in time or whatever. Right now I feel like we are an unstoppable force that is immortal. This expansion has helped a little bit with that.

There's potential to tie that into the in-game characterization a little, too. The grimoire has already made nods to the fact that to outsiders, the Guardians look like a group of murderous, psychotic space pirates who slaughter everything in the past in their search for loot. What if these flashback missions were tied to our Guardians finding a new source of information and learning about their history in detail for the first time? It could be a way for Destiny to finally have some form of actual character development for our own Guardians, as they go through this sobering experience.

Yeah, I would love to know more about the Tower characters. Especially Cayde, Ikora and Zavala. Why are they leaders? I know they did some amazing things in the past. but that's about all I know about them. I'm supposed to trust and follow their orders because... reasons.

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