
Fantasy/sci-fi, or sci-fi/fantasy? *Minor RoI Spoilers* (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 22, 2016, 14:01 (2927 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

I think it would be a lot of fun to do a "flash back" mission. We have heard so many pieces about our past but nothing solid. All I know is that shit happened and we have only kinda learned from it. I would love to have a mission where we are playing as an old school guardian. It doesn't have to be a whole expansion, just one mission that gives us a feel what it was like and maybe explain some lore from the past by playing it out!

I got a very strong Diablo 2 vibe from Rise of Iron (Arreat Summit and the Barbarian Guardians, Tal Rasha locking away Baal's essence in the tomb, fighting the three Barbarians, etc), but one of the things Diablo 2 did well was with the flashback cinematics.

If you haven't played it, the hero from the first game is corrupted by Diablo's essence. This hero seeks out a guide to lead him to his ultimate goal, and the game is told as flashback from the guide's perspective. Your character is chasing Diablo, and is always one step behind. So, you get to a town, see it's all messed up, complete the quests and beat the act boss, then you see a cutscene of what Diablo dd there as told by the guide, which contextualizes what you see.

It was a great way to do it.

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