
Fantasy/sci-fi, or sci-fi/fantasy? *Minor RoI Spoilers* (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 22, 2016, 16:38 (2927 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Oh man: Every dead ghost you find should play a 5 second clip of the final moments of the guardian whose ghost it was. That would be awesome, and terrifying, and could also be a vector for teaching us boss mechanics or teasing new enemies or weapons.

That would be a great idea. At the very least an audio clip.

Does that mean every time someone resurrects me in the Vault of Glass they'd get to watch me fall off the edge? Sooooory guys. No flawless raider.

Or every time you pass a downed ghost in trials you hear their death wail.

"Don't worry guys, I can take him. (pow)"

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