
kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 18:19 (3070 days ago) @ Kahzgul

There is, however, an opportunity here. I'm assuming that Bungie did the right thing and threw out their entire backend and development system from Destiny 1 and built a brand new one that is dynamic and responsive in the way that you need to be when you have live online support for a shared world environment. Something that can make on the fly geometry changes to the live game, daily or weekly tweaks to weapons traits for balance purposes, and can easily adjust spawns, drops, etc.. I'm also praying that they eliminated the bullshit lag-fest nonsense of their pseudo token-ring architecture for PvP and established some dedicated servers. Because any modern online FPS needs dedicated servers. I really hope they learned these lessons from Destiny 1. Assuming Bungie did the behind-the-scenes stuff correctly, there is also an opportunity to design the game by approving the story FIRST and then building the game to match the script. Please, guys, give me a game worthy of your logo.

to·ken ring
a local area network in which a node can transmit only when in possession of a sequence of bits (called the token) that is passed to each node in turn.

In my research I've never seen any mention of Destiny's networking being a token-ring type architecture. I have never found any evidence or statement by a Bungie employee that would backup such a claim. It just doesn't make sense to pass a token around to allow transmission. In fact, just today I skimmed Shared World Shooter - Destiny's Networked Mission Architecture and listened to I Shot you First! Gameplay Networking in Halo: Reach, no mention of passing tokens in either presentation. If you have some statement by an employee claiming their networking model is based on token passing then I'd like to see it, please. I love to learn more about their networking model.

From everything I've read & watched Destiny uses an improved and expanded version of Reach's PvP networking model. Perhaps a better phrase could be used to describe what you're getting at, but token-ring is not a good term. I'm guessing you mean having a physics host on the user's box & physics host migration? I really doubt Bungie will ditch using that system for D2 in favor of dedicated physics servers, they've been using it ever since Halo 2.

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