
Small is the new big (Destiny)
Wasn't the whole point of making Destiny the way it is was to be able to continue to add onto it, like with WoW, so that at the end you'd have the equivalent of all the content of Halo 1-3 except under a single umbrella, playable start to finish, with significant content dropping once or twice every year over a decade instead of three times with gaps of three years?
Was it? Because I certainly don't recall ever hearing that--just a whole lot of assumptions being thrown around and taken as gospel by the community at large. They talked about a ten year journey with your Guardian being carried forward throughout the journey. I don't recall them ever saying all the content from day one would carry forward forever.
I'm honestly not sure how "a ten year journey with your Guardian carried forward" is consistent with "throw out your old gear and your old characters and by the way all the planets are new too."
In that case, why bother with incremental updates at all? Why not do monolithic releases like before?
Nor should it. If I'm year ten I am playing year one stuff that is just lazy. New new new please.
How the hell is it lazy? I'm not saying they shouldn't add content. They should. They should spend just as much time and effort as they have to date, if not more, adding content to a stable platform without taking it away. By year 10 the game should be 10x bigger than it was in Year 1, and that shouldn't require giving up one square meter of what has been built.
I would kill to have a seamless way to play all the Halo games, in a single engine, with coop that works half as well as Destiny's does. And if in year ten I say hey, wouldn't it be cool to run a Plaguelands patrol for good time's sake, do I want to hear that everybody has to go hunt for a disc, or that they've deleted Destiny 1 off their hard drives to make room? Or that server support for that area is gone?
As is true most of the time, I hope like hell nobody at Bungie thinks about this game the way you do. The way you complain about it, so far I've been lucky, but who knows...
Complete thread:
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-27, 19:41
- Line in the sand: I will not maintain nine characters. -
2016-09-27, 19:49
- CruelLEGACEY, 2016-09-27, 20:16
- Line in the sand: I will not maintain fifteen characters. - unoudid, 2016-09-27, 20:25
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-27, 19:58
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-27, 21:05
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-27, 21:21
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Cody Miller, 2016-09-27, 21:36
- +1 - cheapLEY, 2016-09-27, 23:36
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-27, 22:32
- +1
- INSANEdrive, 2016-09-28, 02:19
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - dogcow, 2016-09-28, 14:33
- +1
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-27, 21:21
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - INSANEdrive, 2016-09-28, 02:14
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 18:19
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 21:25
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 21:40
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-28, 22:17
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 22:58
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 06:03
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 15:49
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Kahzgul, 2016-09-30, 16:28
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 15:49
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 06:03
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 22:58
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-28, 22:17
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 13:25
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Kahzgul, 2016-09-30, 16:29
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 21:40
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 21:25
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-27, 21:05
- Going to stay on D1 - ProbablyLast, 2016-09-27, 20:24
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-27, 21:01
- You didn't already know this? - marmot 1333, 2016-09-27, 22:10
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Schedonnardus, 2016-09-27, 23:15
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - dogcow, 2016-09-28, 14:37
- Walt, Destiny 2s story was rebooted in April? -
2016-09-27, 23:19
- Walt, Destiny 2s story was rebooted in April? - dogcow, 2016-09-28, 14:39
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Avateur, 2016-09-27, 23:22
- If i cant take my characters i will move to Canada ... - Old Fire Thief, 2016-09-27, 23:35
- Sounds amazing! - cheapLEY, 2016-09-27, 23:53
- Fine by me. Hope we can import our shaders/emblems though
- someotherguy, 2016-09-28, 00:45
- Naw, leave everything behind!
- Cody Miller, 2016-09-28, 01:09
- Hopefully shaders are gone and we can just pick our colors.
- cheapLEY, 2016-09-28, 01:18
- Damn right
- Avateur, 2016-09-28, 01:47
- This guy gets it.
- CyberKN, 2016-09-28, 12:05
- Damn right
- Hope we won't have to.
- uberfoop, 2016-09-28, 01:29
- Naw, leave everything behind!
- Oh! To be a fly, on the wall. - INSANEdrive, 2016-09-28, 02:00
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Mad_Stylus, 2016-09-28, 02:22
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters - Morpheus, 2016-09-28, 04:38
- Change to patrol areas is a major + - Durandal, 2016-09-28, 11:18
- As long as XBone/PC characters are shared -
2016-09-28, 11:20
- As long as XBone/PC characters are shared -
2016-09-28, 12:29
- As long as XBone/PC characters are shared - CruelLEGACEY, 2016-09-28, 12:31
- As long as XBone/PC characters are shared - Schedonnardus, 2016-09-28, 13:07
- As long as XBone/PC characters are shared -
2016-09-28, 12:29
- kotaku: Destiny 2, begin the hype & unrealistic expectations -
2016-09-28, 12:41
- kotaku: Destiny 2, begin the hype & unrealistic expectations -
2016-09-28, 13:10
- kotaku: Destiny 2, begin the hype & unrealistic expectations - Schedonnardus, 2016-09-28, 13:16
- kotaku: Destiny 2, begin the hype & unrealistic expectations - cheapLEY, 2016-09-28, 16:33
- kotaku: Destiny 2, begin the hype & unrealistic expectations -
2016-09-28, 13:10
- Yay! - electricpirate, 2016-09-28, 12:41
- plot twist - Schedonnardus, 2016-09-28, 13:15
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-28, 14:26
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-28, 17:57
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 00:03
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 12:55
- Simple Fix ;) -
2016-09-29, 16:14
- Simple Fix ;) ^ I love this comment. lol :)
- dogcow, 2016-09-29, 16:15
- Simple Fix ;) ^ I love this comment. lol :)
- Simple Fix ;) -
2016-09-29, 16:14
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 12:55
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 06:06
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 12:39
- Small is the new big -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-29, 13:41
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 13:57
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 14:08
- Small is the new big - MacAddictXIV, 2016-09-29, 14:12
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 14:55
- Small is the new big - cheapLEY, 2016-09-29, 15:00
- Small is the new big -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-29, 15:20
- Small is the new big - cheapLEY, 2016-09-29, 15:27
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 18:23
- Small is the new big -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-29, 18:59
- Small is the new big - dogcow, 2016-09-29, 19:05
- Small is the new big -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-29, 18:59
- Small is the new big - Cody Miller, 2016-09-29, 15:19
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 14:08
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 13:57
- Small is the new big -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-29, 13:41
- Small is the new big -
2016-09-29, 12:39
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
2016-09-29, 00:03
- kotaku: Destiny 2 for PC, won't carry over year 1 characters -
Cody Miller,
2016-09-28, 17:57
- Maybe D1 was just a Vex Simulation -
2016-09-29, 16:13
- Maybe Mister Chef wakes up on the FUD in Halo 6
- uberfoop, 2016-09-29, 17:12
- And in the distant sun, the W'rkncacnter dreams softly.
- Quirel, 2016-09-30, 02:37
- I'm pretty sure we nuked him once already... - Durandal, 2016-09-30, 13:31
- And in the distant sun, the W'rkncacnter dreams softly.
- Maybe Mister Chef wakes up on the FUD in Halo 6
- Line in the sand: I will not maintain nine characters. -
2016-09-27, 19:49